Center for Christian Virtue

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2018 Year in Review: Victories and Unfinished Business

2018 Year in Review: Victories and Unfinished Business

“Great is thy faithfulness”What an incredible year for the Christ-centered movement in Ohio! There is no doubt because of your support through action, prayer and donating that the Buckeye state has a BRIGHT future.Truly God has been faithful to those who have been called according to His name!Here are just a few of the victories of 2018… with some unfinished business to take on next year:

Stopping Issue 1

George Soros and Mark Zuckerburg poured millions into Ohio to push a devastating drug decriminalization Constitutional amendment – Issue 1.Even though we were massively outspent, people like you partnered with CCV and church leaders rose up to speak out against this dangerous Constitutional amendment. This grassroots movement successfully defeated Issue 1 in a BIG way – 63-37!

Stopping Discriminatory HB 160

In the first half of 2018, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce along with Equality Ohio announced a major push to enact HB 160. This bill would have mandated that biological men be allowed in women’s restrooms and private spaces. It also would have penalized Christian business owners who simply wish to run their business in line with their faith.From Amazon to P&G, some of America’s most powerful corporations were pushing this terrible bill. Yet CCV rose up to oppose it, and we successfully blocked it from becoming law! Religious Freedom in Ohio is preserved another day because we won!Proponents of the bill will be back next year, and we will be there make sure this unnecessary bill goes nowhere.

Heartbeat Bill Passes Out of the General Assembly Again

For the second time, the Ohio General Assembly put the Heartbeat Bill on Governor Kasich’s desk. Unfortunately, for the second time, the governor vetoed the bill, and we came up one vote short of overriding his veto in the Senate.Yet incoming Governor Mike DeWine pledged to sign the bill next year, and his running mate Jon Husted has also been supportive of the bill. I feel confident that this time next year, Ohio will be a state that prohibits abortion once a heartbeat is detected.These are just a few of 2018’s victories…but as you can see our work is far from done!CCV is poised to accomplish so much in 2019 – and with your help, next year will be even bigger and better than 2018. Help CCV enter 2019 in a strong position by making a tax-deductible donation today!

Your gift of $250, $150, $60, $30, or more has a huge impact on this important work.

Thank you for standing with us,Aaron BaerPresidentCitizens for Community Values