Breaking News: Heartbeat Bill Fails by 1 Vote

Heartbeat Bill Dies By One Vote

COLUMBUS - The following statement can be attributed to Citizens for Community Values President Aaron Baer:

“After a monumental effort by the pro-life community to override Gov. Kasich’s veto of the Heartbeat Bill (HB 258) in the Ohio House, Ohio was on the brink of enacting this life saving bill. Yet at the last moment, one Ohio Senator flipped his vote, and the Heartbeat Bill came up 1 vote short in the State Senate.”

 “CCV is grateful for the leadership of Speaker Ryan Smith and President Larry Obhof who brought this bill to the floor for a vote. We will also always be grateful to Rep. Christina Hagan and Rep. Ron Hood who sponsored the bill.”

 “Yet Senator Bill Beagle (R-Montgomery, Preble, and Montgomery) voted to give lawmakers like himself a pay raise, but not to save thousands of Ohio lives every year."

"It is inexcusable how Beagle could vote for the Heartbeat bill in the Senate Health committee, and on the Senate floor the first time, then change his vote at the last minute. He also gave no warning to the bill’s sponsors or proponents that he changed his mind.”

“The pro-life movement will carry on for another day. Thankfully, Ohio has true pro-life champions coming into the Governor’s office in the DeWine/Husted administration. Our call to state legislative leadership is to not delay in 2019. The times are urgent, and we must enact this bill as soon as possible.”

 “CCV is committed to protecting every life. And we are not going anywhere until the job is done."

 For questions, contact Citizens for Community Values,, or 513.733.5775.

As Ohio’s Family Policy Council, Citizens for Community Values seeks the good of our neighbors throughout Ohio by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. We endeavor to create an Ohio where God’s blessings of life, family, and religious freedom are treasured, respected, and protected.


Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


2018 Year in Review: Victories and Unfinished Business


Statement on Gov. Kasich’s Veto of the Heartbeat Bill