Center for Christian Virtue

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On Issue 1

From the Desk of Center for Christian Virtue President Aaron Baer

Dear friend,

I wanted to take some time before sending out my thoughts on the devastating passage of Issue 1 on Tuesday. If you haven’t read our official statement from Protect Women Ohio, which we sent out on Election night, you can read it here.

David Mahan, Mike Andrews, and I also recorded a special edition of our podcast The Narrative where we unpacked the broader impact of Issue 1 – I really encourage you to check it out. I’m especially grateful for David’s and Mike’s reflections.

You can click here to listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts.

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Wednesday morning, the CCV team and I took some time in prayer after reading 2 Corinthians 4:1-12.

I especially spent some time praying over verses 7-9:

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.”

I’m not going to pretend Tuesday was anything but gutting. It revealed a very sad reality about the way many in our state view unborn children and women.

But while Tuesday was a major blow for those of us who care about the dignity of human life, it was not the penultimate decision in this fight. And while the road ahead is long and arduous, there is a path to restoring what was broken on Tuesday.

In many ways, very practical ways, God has been preparing us for this road. At my core, I wish this wasn’t the journey He had for our generation, but I trust in His perfect plan. This won’t be done with crafty political strategy. Voting is sure to be a part of it, but it’s going to take years of reforming a culture that is discipling our children to reject God in all His glory and beauty.

I’ll have more to share in the weeks ahead. But until then, I want to end by saying “thank you.” I know so many friends throughout this season poured everything they had into this effort to save the unborn.

We press on not only because lives depend on it, but because as children of the living God, we cannot be silent in the face of such evil.

In Christ,

Aaron Baer
o: 513-733-5775