BREAKING NEWS: General Assembly Restores Checks and Balances
COLUMBUS—The Ohio General Assembly has overridden Governor DeWine’s veto of SB 22. Backed by Center for Christian Virtue, among other provisions in the bill, this legislation would enable the General Assembly to overrule an order from the Ohio Department of Health by a majority vote in the House and Senate via concurrent resolutions.
Yesterday, Governor DeWine vetoed the legislation, prompting the State Senate and House to override the veto this afternoon. The final vote was 23-10 in the Senate and 62-35 in the House. The bill will go into effect in 90 days.
The following statement is from CCV President Aaron Baer:
“What has made America exceptional throughout the generations is our respect of individual liberty and a political system based on checks and balances. When these two fundamental principles are ignored, even for virtuous reasons, the people will inevitably pay the price.
“We’ve learned much through the COVID-19 pandemic, not the least of which is the seemingly endless executive power the Governor’s office holds after declaring a public health crisis. While other states experienced far more restrictive lock-downs and onerous orders, a major flaw in Ohio state law was revealed that enabled one individual boundless authority to close businesses, regulate religious institutions, and mandate behaviors without any readily-accessible checks.
“Today, the General Assembly fixed this serious problem, and generations of Ohioans will be better protected because of their actions. I’m grateful for the leadership of Senate President Matt Huffman and Speaker of the House Bob Cupp, along with the bill’s sponsors Senator Rob McColley, and Senator Terry Johnson.”
For more information, contact CCV at 513-733-5775 or
As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.