Center for Christian Virtue

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CCV Team Member Assaulted in Downtown Columbus

Throughout Citizens for Community Values' history, we’ve faced many challenges that have been difficult to navigate. Yet none have been quite like what the CCV team faces today.

On Thursday, November 5, at 7:30 a.m., a CCV team member was assaulted walking into our downtown Columbus building. A man in his 20’s-30’s, with a lean build, dressed in a suit, approached the young woman on our team, saying that he needed to ask her a question. As she was about to enter the building, the man grabbed her, and began punching her in the face multiple times.

I was in my office when I heard the attack, and looked out my window. I called out the employee’s name, and the man ran. I was able to get a picture of his car. As you can see below, the car had no tags. If you have seen this vehicle or have any information useful to the police, please let us know.

The employee’s mouth was badly bloodied, but thankfully no teeth were damaged and no stitches were needed. She is now resting and recovering at home.

This incident has impacted everyone on this team. Downtown Columbus has become more and more isolated and deserted. With COVID closing many businesses, and the others forced to board themselves up in fear of rioters, the city is not nearly as busy as it typically is this time of year. The brazenness of this attack, in broad daylight, on a main street in the city is shocking.

We still do not know the motivation behind the attack: whether it was targeted at CCV, a random act of violence, an abduction attempt, or something else altogether.

So what’s next for CCV?

First, we’re ramping up our security. I’ve hired a full-time security guard for the time as we evaluate how best to create a safe environment for our growing team.

Second, healing. My tendency is to throw myself back into the work that’s to be done, but the audacity and violence of this attack must be processed by our entire team, so that we can press forward together.

Galatians 6:2 calls us to “bear one another’s burdens,” and I’m reaching out to you to ask for your prayers.

Third, resolve. God has called Citizens for Community Values to be a light in darkness. For us, that means both spiritually and physically. We will not allow this darkness to run us out of this city and disrupt the crucial call that God has given us.

CCV exists for God’s glory and for you: to give you a voice, and to be watchmen on the wall.

No attack, physical, political, or spiritual is going to get us off our focus to be a force for righteousness in the nation.

As Isaiah 54:17 says:

“No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.”

Again, I ask that you please keep the CCV team in your prayers, especially the young woman who was assaulted. Pray for the police as they work to protect us, and find this man. And pray for our nation as we continue to pursue the great ideals it was founded upon.


Aaron Baer
Citizens for Community Values