Center for Christian Virtue

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The Pastors' Briefing


Like the fire shut up in Jeremiah’s bones, equipping the Church of Jesus Christ to rise up and reclaim the culture of government for God is the fire in my spirit. As the new Church Relations Director at Citizens for Community Values, I am on a mission to reset the Founding Fathers’ intent to protect our religious liberty against the falsehood of a constitutional separation of church and state. You see, I am both a disciple of Jesus and a student of the Constitution, a rare and righteous combination. What I know is that the “establishment clause,” as it’s called, ensures that Christians will always be free to practice our faith, as God in His Word instructs us to do. To that end, 1 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs us to pray for all in authority, while Romans 13 declares that all authorities are established by God. The reset looks like the Church Ambassador Network (CAN) Capitol Project where pastors throughout Ohio, like you, pray for legislators at the State Capitol. 

Throughout the year, for each district, we will call Capitol Project pastors to the Statehouse for a: 

  • private meeting with their lawmakers for relationship building and prayer

  • tour of our Capitol highlighting Ohio’s Christian heritage

  • debriefing and prayer over state government

Pastor, if you are interested in the Capitol Project, please click below to fill out the Capitol Project Participation Form. 

Once your district has been scheduled, we will contact you with the date, time, and any other additional information.

Good News!

Ohio Conservatives for Bail Reform was launched last week to promote bail and pretrial criminal justice reforms.  In instances where a parent can’t afford the cost of bail, the traumatic disruption to those fragile families is unjust.  When the “unsentenced” parent remains in jail until a court date is set, too often the parent loses their job, the children become institutionalized in the Child Welfare system and the already fragile family is torn apart.  Generally, the bail amount set is disproportionate to the crime.  This has become a priority issue for Citizens for Community Values. We solicit your prayers and ask you to watch for the Pastors Briefing for updates on the progress.

Aaron Baer, CCV President, testifying in support of the Heartbeat Bill

Praise God! The Heartbeat Bill (SB 23) has passed out of the Senate, and has already had two committee hearings in the House Health Committee. The Heartbeat Bill would prohibit abortion once an unborn baby's heartbeat is detected. CCV President Aaron Baer testified in support of the bill in the most recent hearing on March 19. We are aiming to have the bill on Governor DeWine's desk by April, where he has pledged to sign it into law!