BREAKING NEWS: Ohio Senate Passes Heartbeat Bill

The Ohio Senate Passes Heartbeat Bill 19-13

COLUMBUS – The Ohio Senate just passed the Heartbeat Bill, SB 23, by a 19-13 vote. Sponsored by Senator Kristina Roegner, The Heartbeat Bill prohibits abortion once a heartbeat is detected in an unborn child.“The Heartbeat Bill is what Ohio voters want,” said Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values. “This bill was front and center in the 2018 elections, and the voters once again overwhelmingly elected officials that value all life – born and unborn.”“Thanks to the courageous leadership of Senator Kristina Roegner, Senate Health Committee Chairman Dave Burke, and Senate President Larry Obhof, the Ohio Senate was able to pass this life-saving bill with a strong majority. Ohio is on the brink of making history, and sending a strong message that Ohioans care deeply for our most vulnerable.”The final vote is as follows:

Yes - 19

Andy Brenner (R)

Dave Burke (R)

Bill Coley (R)

Theresa Gavarone (R)

Bob Hackett (R)

Brian Hill (R)

Frank Hoagland (R)

Jay Hottinger (R)

Matt Huffman (R)

Steve Huffman (R)

Peggy Lehner (R)

Rob McColley (R)

Larry Obhof (R)

Bob Peterson (R)

Kristina Roegner (R)

Michael Rulli (R)

Kirk Schuring (R)

Joe Uecker (R)

Steve Wilson (R)


No - 13

Nickie Antonio (D)

Hearcel Craig (D)

Matt Dolan (R)

John Eklund (R)

Teresa Fedor (D)

Stephanie Kunze (R)

Tina Maharath (D)

Nathan Manning (R)

Sean O’Brien (D)

Vernon Sykes (D)

Cecil Thomas (D)

Sandra Williams (D)

Kenny Yuko (D)


Did Not Vote

Louis Terhar (R)

The bill now heads to the Ohio House of Representatives.

As Ohio’s Family Policy Council, Citizens for Community Values seeks the good of our neighbors throughout Ohio by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. We endeavor to create an Ohio where God’s blessings of life, family, and religious freedom are treasured, respected, and protected. ###

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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