Center for Christian Virtue

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CCV Opposes Issue 1

Issue 1 is Wrong for Ohio Communities and FamiliesDuring our nation’s worst drug epidemic, Issue 1 is like pouring gasoline on a fire

Citizens for Community Values strongly opposes Issue 1, the proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would “mandate that criminal offenses of obtaining, possessing, or using any drug such as fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, LSD, and other controlled substances cannot be classified as a felony, but only a misdemeanor.”

Ohio families have been devastated by the opioid epidemic. Enacting Issue 1 would be like pouring gasoline on a fire ripping across our state. By making the penalties for possessing large amounts of lethal drugs the same as a traffic violation, Ohio is setting itself up for more lost lives and more broken homes.

After researching the many facets of Issue 1, and working with Christian-based drug addiction centers throughout Ohio, it is clear that this Constitutional Amendment would do more harm than good. It is also clear that we do need to re-examine sentencing reform. Many in the African American community especially feel underserved and ignored on this topic.

CCV looks forward to being a part of a robust discussion on how Ohio public policy can do more to keep families intact, break cycles of addiction, and keep our communities safe. What must be clear, however, is that this discussion cannot happen if Issue 1 is enacted. As a Constitutional Amendment, Issue 1 ends all discussion on the topic in favor of allowing more drugs on our streets.

We encourage all Ohioans to vote NO on Issue 1, and join us in working together to end the opioid crisis.

Read the ballot language to Issue 1 here: