CCV Releases Voter Guide for 2018 General Election

CCV Releases Voter Guide for 2018 General ElectionCCV is distributing nonpartisan Voter Guides to churches, families, and organizations in time for the November 6 General Election

COLUMBUS – Citizens for Community Values has released its nonpartisan Voter Guide to educate churches, organizations, and individuals on key issues in time for the November 6 General Election. Go to to access the free Voter Guide.

As a nonpartisan Voter Guide, churches and other 501(c)(3) organizations can distribute this crucial election resource. For the first time for statewide offices, U.S. Senate, and Congress, for those candidates who declined to respond to our survey, CCV researched candidate public statements and voting records to provide answers on survey questions when possible.

Questions candidates on the Ohio ballot were asked to respond to include:

  • Should abortion be prohibited once the unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected?
  • Should Ohio freeze eligibility for new enrollees in Medicaid?
  • Should public schools be required to allow students use the bathroom or locker room of their preference, regardless of the student’s biological sex?
  • Should marijuana be legalized for recreational use?

The nonpartisan Voter Guide covers a variety of issues and contains candidate responses in the following races: Ohio Governor, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Ohio Secretary of State, Ohio Attorney General, Ohio Treasurer, and Ohio Auditor. State Senate candidates were also surveyed, and included on the Voter Guide website at

“It has become more difficult than ever to find out where the candidates truly stand on the most important issues facing our state and nation,” said Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values. "This year's guide will help Ohioans cut through the political spin and get the facts on the candidates.”

The Voter Guide, election resources, and candidate research can be found online at Churches and organizations can also order bulk physical copies there as well, which CCV provides free of charge.


Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


The sermon and the interview


CCV Opposes Issue 1