Center for Christian Virtue

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Will you be a vote for the voiceless?

Right now, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other radical pro-abortion groups are attempting to create a right to abortion up to birth—without parental consent for minors or the basic health and safety standards that protect women—in the Ohio Constitution. 

On Tuesday, August 8, Ohioans have the opportunity to protect our state’s governing document from their deadly agenda. Issue 1 on the Special Election ballot will allow voters to elevate the threshold to amend our state Constitution from a simple majority to 60 percent of the vote.

Because August elections have historically featured low voter turnouts, we can save generations of unborn children in Ohio if Christians show up to vote to protect life in the Special Election.

That’s why we need your pledge to reach our goals: a turnout of 500,000 Christian voters at the polls and 50,000 new Christian voters registered for the election on Tuesday, August 8.

It only takes 30 seconds: take the pledge to vote to get urgent election updates, and unite with Christians across Ohio to protect life this August!

Pledge to not be silenced.
Pledge to stand up for unborn children and their mothers.
Pledge to vote.