Watch the Backpack Bill historic first hearing now

You're invited to watch the historic first hearing for The Backpack Bill (HB 290) this morning at 10:00 am. This hearing will be testimony from the bill’s sponsors, Rep. Riordan McClain (Upper Sandusky) and Rep. Marilyn John (Shelby), and is one of the first steps in the legislative process to move the bill through committee and towards a vote.

The Backpack Bill is innovative education reform that ensures Ohio funds students, not bureaucracy. It ensures that all Ohio students are eligible for a taxpayer-funded scholarship that goes wherever they go, if they opt into the program.

The sponsors will explain the substitute bill that includes the detailed language of how the Backpack Scholarship will work.

The Hearing is open to the public in the Statehouse Room 313, and can be watched live on the Ohio Channel.

You are also welcome to join us in person at the Statehouse for the hearing.

To learn more about the Backpack Bill, read the sub bill, and help pass it, visit

For our kids,

Troy McIntosh

Ohio Christian Education Network Executive Director, CCV

o: 513-733-5775


Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


CCV President to preach at Church at the Center


Breaking News: Backpack Bill scheduled for first hearing!