Center for Christian Virtue

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WATCH NOW: Ohio Senate Backpack-style educational choice bill receives first committee hearing today!

Introduced last month, Senate Bill 11 (SB11) receives its first hearing in the Ohio Senate Education Committee today. This backpack-style bill would provide an opportunity for every student in the state to receive either a scholarship to attend a private school or a tax credit to help pay for homeschooling expenses.

Under SB11, the current EdChoice Scholarship Program would expand to all Ohio students for either a $5,500 scholarship (for grades K-8) or a $7,500 scholarship (for grades 9-12) to attend a private school. Families choosing to homeschool would be eligible for a non-refundable state tax credit up to $2,000 for reimbursement of educational expenses for their children.

This hearing is the first step to getting the bill passed out of committee for a full Senate Chamber vote. Then, it must be voted out of the Ohio House before being passed on to the Governor.

Read SB11 here and watch State Senator Sandra O'Brien (R-Ashtabula) give sponsor testimony on the Ohio Channel.

Education Committee Hearing

Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at 3:00 PM

South Hearing Room, Ohio Statehouse

Please note that there are other bills on the committee's agenda and SB11 may not be the first one to be heard. Committee hearings are open to the public at the Ohio Statehouse.

Unable to watch the hearing live? Once it's posted, you can watch it from the archives on the Ohio Channel.

For more information, contact CCV at 513-733-5775 or

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. 
