The Rundown: Realities of Post-Roe America
Good morning, and welcome to this edition of The Rundown. This biweekly email serves as the most important political and cultural news for Christians in Ohio. This week we're talking about Roe v Wade, woke capitalism, and more elections in Ohio. Don't forget to forward this newsletter to those who would be interested—and thanks for reading The Rundown!
Post Roe America, and Post Roe Ohio
Pro-Abortion protestor standing outside of the Statehouse in Columbus, OH. (Courtney Hergesheimer - The Columbus Dispatch)
What's Happening
Post Roe Ohio: Follow the Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs, states have been scrambling to figure out their laws regarding abortion. In Ohio, Attorney General Dave Yost filed a motion to dissolve an injunction against Ohio's Heartbeat Bill, banning all abortions after six weeks. The motion was granted, a lawsuit was dismissed, and abortion clinics have now been shuttered across the state. Breakpoint has a great article on what a Post Roe America may look like, and what it needs to begin to address.
Woke Capitalism at Work: Vast numbers of companies and businesses have come out offering employees payments should they decide to travel to receive an abortion. Several corporations in Ohio have offered this program to employees, and here is a sampling of these companies.
Prayer is Protected: In another monumental ruling, the Supreme Court determined that a former high school football coach'a first amendment rights were infringed on when he was fired following his routine of private prayer following games. The 6-3 decision upholds the rights of individuals to pray privately or publicly, and reaffirms the Constitution's protections against religious discrimination.
Backpack Bill Coming to Arizona: The Arizona House and Senate passed their version of the Backpack Bill, bringing educational freedom to the state. The expanded program allows all families in the state to access the state funded portion of their child's education to go towards public or private schooling of their choice.
Another Election Already?: Today begins early voting in Ohio's primary special election, a rarity in the state. Up for election are primary candidates for Ohio's State House and Senate seats, who will help dictate state law for the upcoming General Assembly. To find your district follow this link.
Pro-Life Center in Cleveland Vandalized: Last week, it was revealed that Cleveland Right to Life's office was vandalized and targeted by pro-abortion protestors. The protestors left a coat hanger outside of the office, and plastered pro-abortion signage all around the property. This marks just one of many pro-life centers being attacked and targeted by radical pro-abortion extremists.
Listen Up
Corporations are progressively becoming more and more involved politically. Some are doing it well, while others are leaving themselves open to criticism and even cancellation
Listen to CCV's The Narrative, as special guest Vivek Ramaswamy details the Christian response to companies taking up social justice causes.
Don't Miss
The Ohio March for Life on October 5, 2022, in Downtown Columbus.
Prayer at the Statehouse on November 10, 2022, in the Ohio Statehouse's Atrium.
Scripture calls us to pray for those in authority, and to have confidence that God hears our prayers. Join the CCV team this week in praying for:
State Senator Matt Dolan, State Senator Teresa Fedor, and State Senator Theresa Gavarone.
Our U.S. Supreme Court Justices, for their safety and the safety of their loved ones following their recent opinion in the Dobbs case.
Businesses and business owners who are funding abortions and abortion travel.
July Trivia
Governors in Ohio typically serve a full four year term. However, many have served longer and shorter periods. Which two governors served the shortest amount of time as Governor of Ohio, and how long was their tenure?
Submit the correct answer, and you'll be entered in a random drawing for this month's book, God's Hostage.
Answers an be sent to
That’s all we have for this week. Be sure to keep an eye out for our next edition, and don't forget to share CCV's Rundown with others.