Center for Christian Virtue

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The Rundown: Proposed Constitution amendment includes $4M abortion tax

Good afternoon, and welcome to this edition of The Rundown. This biweekly newsletter serves as the most important political and cultural news for Christians in Ohio. Don’t forget to forward The Rundown to those who would be interested. Thanks for reading!

What's Happening


  • Taxpayer-funded murder: The list of consequences continues to grow for the proposed ballot proposition that would amend abortion into Ohio’s Constitution. The amendment would likely require Ohio’s Medicaid program to pay for elective abortions. This means the program would likely fund more than 9,000 abortions a year and result in a more than $4 million tax increase for Ohioans.

  • Adoption access: Gov. Mike DeWine signed an executive order launching a program offering grants to parents who have adopted children this year. Parents can apply for a one-time $10,000 grant for adopting any non-stepchild; $15,000 for adopting a child they've been fostering; and $20,000 for adopting a child with special needs.


  • Up in the air: A Texas federal judge granted a request to temporarily block nationwide the abortion pill mifepristone by issuing a preliminary injunction against its approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But a conflicting ruling came from a Washington Federal judge to maintain the “status quo” of mifepristone’s availability, leaving the two sides at a temporary impasse unless the U.S. Department of Justice appeals the injunction. The U.S. Supreme Court will likely have to weigh in to decide the final outcome.

  • Keeping secrets: Mifepristone isn't the only suspicious approval the FDA has granted. Numerous studies, including recent research from the Oxford Population Health’s Cancer Epidemiology Unit, have shown hormonal contraceptives increase a women's risk of breast cancer. The FDA continues to downplay the contraceptive's cancer risk.

  • Anti-Christian much? U.S. Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan revealed earlier this week that the FBI recruited at least one “undercover employee” to “develop sources among the clergy and church leadership” as part of its initiative targeting the Catholic Church in the hopes of identifying suspicious activity among parishioners. In another example, the government issued a “cease and desist order” to Catholic priests pastorally serving the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The day before Holy Week, they were succeeded by a secular for-profit firm. Now, 24 congressman are demanding answers, but other government officials state it was merely a contract ending.

  • It's the science: There is mounting evidence that gender medicine interventions, including puberty-blocking drugs, are anything but safe for children. From the British Medical Journal to gender clinic workers to Finland and France, a diverse group of individuals and governments are sounding the alarm on these dangerous practices.

  • Misters aren't sisters: Seven women have sued to challenge the admission of a biological man who identifies as a woman to their sorority at the University of Wyoming. Among other allegations, two witnesses report that the man had an erection visible through his leggings as he watched women enter the house. Most recently, the seven women have been denied their request for anonymity in court.

The Fight for Life

In Ohio, we're in the fight of a lifetime to protect women, children, and unborn babies.

Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other radical pro-abortion, anti-parent organizations are pushing an amendment to our state Constitution that would permanently legalize abortion up to birth—including gruesome partial-birth abortion, remove parental consent for minors to receive abortions and sex-change surgeries, outlaw hospital health and safety standards, and more.

Pro-abortionists have hired canvassers to try to gather 412,500 signatures by Wednesday, July 10 so that they can put the amendment to a vote this November. 

Here's what you can do to stop it:

  1. Learn more about the proposed amendment and read the language.

  2. Educate your friends and family on what the amendment would do.

  3. Meet with your pastor, and get your church educated and involved.

  4. Volunteer through Protect Women Ohio, the pro-life coalition leading the fight in Ohio. You can also connect directly with your local coalition member, listed here.

  5. Donate to Protect Women Ohio or your local pro-life center.

  6. Tell your Ohio legislators to safeguard our Constitution. 

  7. If approached by canvassers, ask them about the extreme language. Some may not know the full extent of what they're promoting.

  8. Pray for the signature collection to fall short, for the pro-abortion coalition to be divided and confused, for the darkness to be brought to light, for the truth to be compelling, and for the protection of women, children, and unborn babies.

Worldview Development

As a Christian, it can be hard to know how to engage with social-political conversations from a Biblical worldview. Here’s our top recommendation this week for developing your worldview to be equipped to tackle today’s top issues: 

US Catholic bishops condemn genetic engineering, transgender surgeries and drugs

Last month, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) published a document reviewing the ethics of so-called “gender transition” surgeries and drugs. While directed to Catholic health care services, the document lays out the principles of a Catholic approach to the issue in a way that is relevant for all Christians to review.

Read an overview and summary by Life Site News or read the full doctrinal note.

Legislative Update

The 135th General Assembly is currently on spring break, but will resume session next week. A few CCV-backed initiatives that had movement in the legislature before the break include: 

The Save Women's Sports Act (HB6), sponsored by Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum), would require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex. The bill received its second hearing before the House Higher Education Committee two weeks ago. Watch HB6’s sponsor hearing here.

The Religious Expression Days Act (SB49), sponsored by Sen. Michele Reynolds (R-Canal Winchester), would require public schools to allow students up to three days of excused absence each academic year for religious observance. SB49 was passed out of the Ohio Senate Education Committee, and will need to be heard next on the Senate floor for a full chamber vote before it can begin the process for approval in the House.

Senate Joint Resolution 2 (SJR2), sponsored by Sen. Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) and Sen. Rob McColley (R-Napoleon), would raise the approval threshold to amend our Constitution to 60 percent. This proposal strikes an important balance between safeguarding Ohio from deep-pocketed, out-of-state interests wishing to enshrine their money-making schemes into Ohio's Constitution and protecting the fundamental rights of Ohio citizens to set the course of our state governance. SJR2 had its second hearing before the Senate General Government Committee two weeks ago, but time is running out to pass this important initiative.

Click here to learn how a bill becomes a law in Ohio.

Take Action: Make a Difference. Get in Touch.

Elected by voters like you, our state legislators are highly motivated to listen to their constituents. It only takes 60 seconds to make your voice heard by using our Action Center to learn about the critical bills being debated at the Ohio Statehouse and to urge your Ohio legislators to take action on:

  • SJR2

  • The SAFE Act

  • The Save Women’s Sports Act 

  • The Backpack Bill


Early voting and absentee voting by mail for the Tuesday, May 2, Election began on April 4. Please note that in-person voting law has changed, and a photo ID is now required to cast your ballot. View accepted forms of ID here.

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, May 2: Primary Election Day

  • Tuesday, October 10: Deadline for voter registration for the General Election

  • Wednesday, October 11: Early in-person absentee voting begins

  • Tuesday, October 31: Applications for absentee ballots for the General Election must be received by Boards of Elections by close of business

  • Tuesday, November 7: General Election Day

To Do:

  1. Are you registered to vote? It's easy to register to vote or update your voter registration information online at

  2. Review what's on your ballot. Each county Board of Elections office has a list of the candidates and issues appearing on your ballot.

  3. Learn more about Ohio elections, request an absentee ballot, and more here.

Don't Miss

  • Converging Roads
    CCV will be at this conference on Saturday, April 22, from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm at the Pontifical College Josephinum. Registration is open for this bioethics conference presented by the St. John Paul II Foundation, the Catholic Medical Association of Central Ohio, and the Diocese of Columbus.

  • 2023 Celebration Galas
    You’re invited to CCV’s 2023 Celebration Galas in Columbus with the Honorable Betsy DeVos on Tuesday, May 2, and in Cincinnati with the 48th Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday, May 9.

  • Prayer at the Statehouse
    Join us on Thursday, May 18, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for this popular prayer event! Register today to join us.

  • 2023 Ohio March for Life
    Join us for our second annual statewide march on Friday, October 6, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Check out the details we have so far.


Scripture calls us to pray for those in authority and to have confidence that God hears our prayers. Join the CCV team this week in praying for the below intentions.

  • Our elected officials: U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Rep. Jamie Callender, and Rep. Rick Carfagna.

  • Pray for the protection of women and unborn children through the stay on the abortion pill mifepristone. Whether the issue stays within the federal court or moves up to the SCOTUS, ask God for His mercy that the truth of the pill's dangers would be revealed.

  • Pray for favor for SJR2, the Backpack Bill, the Save Women's Sports Act, the SAFE Act, and other pro-family, pro-freedom bills, as they move through the legislative process.

  • Continue to pray for the complete failure of the legalized abortion ballot initiative. Pray that the Lord would confuse the plans of the Enemy and bring to light the evils of abortion. If you're able to, we also encourage you to add prayerful fasting to your intercession on this critical issue.

  • CCV is partnering with pro-life groups across the state to build a coalition of pro-life medical professionals to push back against the harmful false narrative that “abortion is healthcare.” Continue to pray for an overwhelming response of medical professionals willing to speak up for the sanctity of life.

That’s all we have for this week. Be sure to keep an eye out for our next edition, and don't forget to share CCV's Rundown with others.