The Fire of Prayer is Burning Throughout Ohio

Greetings Pastor,

This month’s edition of The Pastors' Briefing is full of encouragement, and activation to equip you and your congregation to be disciples of the Gospel advancing the Kingdom of God in their communities and at the Statehouse.

Take heart in knowing that “If My people….” 2 Chronicles 7:14 is manifesting throughout Ohio like a wild fire right now. The Church is on the offense piercing the darkness through prayer and we know according to Matthew 16:18 that “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Hallelujah!

If you, your congregation, or your ministry team want to start or fan the flames of a prayer fire, below are just a few that are burning statewide and in local cities.


Ruth Edmonds

Christian Engagement Director

We the Church are praying at the Statehouse
Join pastors and lay ministers in Columbus on March 10 at 10 AM for Prayer at the Statehouse as we once again fill the halls of the statehouse with the sound of worship and pray over our lawmakers, statewide officeholders, and all legislative activity and bills pending in the Ohio general assembly.

Click here to register

Across the nation, the Church is praying at state capitols. See for yourself!

In Ohio: Click to watch!

In Arizona: Click to watch!

Pastors, intercessors, prayer groups, and community members all comprise our network of Christ-followers all across OhioTogether, seeking the Lord and praying for His Kingdom to come in lives and cities. Pray Ohio comes together on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 12:00 pm via zoom for prayer.

The next prayer gathering is on February 10. Here’s the Zoom link.

For the early risers, the Church Ambassador Network of CCV will be piercing the darkness with the Intercessory Prayer Assembly from 7:00 am – 8:00 am every 3rd Wednesday of the month via zoom.

Join the Prayer Assembly on Wednesday, February 16.  Register here for the zoom link.

HarvestNet Ministries is hosting a 2nd Saturday Immersion Event from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, at Ascent Church in Westlake, Ohio, for a time of prayer and worship. HarvestNet Ministries “pray, think and act collaboratively for the purpose of realizing spiritual awakening, an in-gathering of the harvest of humanity, and the transformation of every domain of society in our northeast Ohio communities.”

Merge is a monthly prayer gathering of pastors (5 fold ministers) and city leaders of the Northwest Ohio Region. We gather to seek God, to be in His presence, to pray, to encourage one another, and to walk in unity through our unity. Check their website for the Merge Summit on February 17-18, and Toledo Prays on May 5 events at  

“Pray for Columbus” is a network of the Body of Christ in central Ohio who connect, gather and mobilize worship and prayer for our city. Learn more.

A para-church ministry in Dayton, the vision of Declare is uniting God’s Church to declare His glory among the nations. At Declare they pray together, to rally the church, to partner people, to equip leaders to go serve. Learn more at

We the Church must Say, "No"

Read the anti-recreational marijuana Action Alert and take action here. 

Invite CCV to speak and answer questions at your church if you and your congregation desire to be more informed and equipped to stop this drug from coming into your community. Click here to request a CCV speaker.

We the Church must protect Children

Members of the Eagle Rock Church in Pickerington gathered for a Backpack Bill party to learn about the opportunities for educational freedom that the Backpack Bill will provide and then sent their State Senators and Representatives postcards encouraging them to pass the bill. 

Order a Backpack Bill Party Kit to host your own party at

We the Church must have understanding

Faith & Works is a half-sheet printed bulletin resource for your Church congregation to strengthen their faith by keeping them informed of current events from a biblical worldview, and to inspire them to do good works starting with directed prayer and partnering in action with a CCV initiative. This resource is available monthly to your Church at no cost just by placing an order online today at

The Narrative Podcast with CCV’s President Aaron Baer and Policy Director David Mahan is spirited topical conversation from a biblical worldview on local issues from local leaders as well as international and national experts that you can pull from to integrate into your Sunday Sermons, as well as recommend to your congregation. Catch up on the episodes now and listen to Volume III on

Faith Friday conference calls for pastors and lay ministers are scheduled when there’s statewide governmental action directly impacting the church or breaking news that the Church must be immediately aware of. In January, the Faith Friday call focused on the Top 5 legislative bills pending in the Ohio General Assembly that the Church must be aware of and praying for. If you missed last month’s Faith Friday call, click here to listen.

We the Church are salt and light

Did you know that the official state motto of Ohio is a biblical scripture found in Matthew 19:26? Check out the seal below that’s embedded on the grounds outside the state capitol. 

The Church Ambassador Network (CAN) of CCV is the Church’s on-ramp to engaging with state government leaders in prayer and partnership to ensure God’s continued favor over our great state. Continue to keep us in your prayers.

For questions on how you can become more involved in the ministry of the Church Ambassador Network, contact me at


Ruth Edmonds


Center for Christian Virtue

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


Check it out! CCV is leading the charge to oppose legalized pot


Press Conference on Recreational Marijuana Opposition