Fox News and CNN: A Sunday message you can’t miss

What are public schools not telling you about the politicized "health" instruction being taught in the classroom? How do activist groups systematically target our kids, and why? What is fueling the division we're seeing amongst so many Believers today? If people were increasingly becoming sick from drinking from the streams of your community, would you simply pray for healing, or should we also deal with the source of the poison? 

You cannot miss this powerful Sunday message from our very own David Mahan, Policy Director at Center for Christian Virtue and Minister at Eagle Rock Church.

Watch Engaging the Culture: It's time to Go Upstream!

This is just one more reason why Ohio needs to pass the #BackpackBill!

Until families are empowered to choose the best educational option for their kids, and remove their children from schools that are pushing harmful political ideology in the classroom, this problem will not end. Go to today to contact your lawmakers and urge them to support this life-changing bill!

Don't forget to like and share David's message with your friends and family if it challenges, blesses and encourages you like it did us!

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


Kayleigh’s message in Columbus


Important update on CCV’s Church Ambassador Network