Center for Christian Virtue

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Aaron speaking on CRT at CMC

Aaron Baer, CCV President, participated last week in a forum on Critical Race Theory at the Columbus Metropolitan Club.

You can watch it here or by clicking the image below.

The reason I am sharing this has less to do with the subject matter—although it is necessary to discuss—and more to do with the manner in which Aaron addressed it. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Aaron for consistently standing for truth, and for communicating that truth in a way that is loving, clear, and concise.

This discussion is a perfect example of how cloudy things get when one side wants to focus on the intent of an idea, while the other focuses on the actual result of its implementation.

The bottom line for me is this: If you don't like what the public schools are teaching your children (or what they have chronically failed to teach your children), support school choice and the opportunity for every family to send their children to the schools that best meet their needs.

It's time to stop begging Pharaoh to train up our children in the way that they should go.

The Backpack Bill will help families trapped in failing and radical activist-driven schools finance their Exodus.

I hope you're able to set aside some time to watch or just listen to this forum to be as encouraged by Aaron's charity and handling of this difficult topic as I have been.

In Christ,

David Mahan

Policy Director, CCV