ACTION ALERT: Protect Women, Children and Religious Freedom!

Ohio House Committee Considers Dangerous Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

Late Friday, the Ohio House Civil Justice Committee announced that they will have a hearing on House Bill 369 – the Ohio “Un”Fairness Act – on Thursday, November 19 at 9 a.m. This sexual orientation/gender identity bill is the greatest threat to women, children, and religious freedom in Ohio. The bill:

  • Requires biological men be allowed in women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers if they claim they identify as a woman.

  • Requires boys be allowed to play in girls’ sports in public schools if they claim they identify as a woman.

  • Forces women’s homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters allow biological men to bathe and bunk with women who claim to identify as a woman.

  • Forces doctors to participate in “gender transition” surgeries and procedures.

  • Forces Christian schools and other ministries to violate their religious beliefs regarding hiring and operating procedures.

We need YOUR help to stop this terrible legislation! Powerful and well-funded corporate special interests are pushing this disastrous bill on Ohio.

Three action steps needed today:

1 ) Call Speaker Bob Cupp’s Office and let him know you OPPOSE HB 369! He needs to understand this bill is dangerous for our state, and not the direction we should go.

Phone Number: (614) 466-9624

2) Call Chairman Steve Hambley’s Office and let him know HB 369 cannot pass! Ohio is a tolerant state. Not only is HB 369 not needed, it will also create endless problems for women, children, and families.

Phone Number: (614) 466-8140

3) Submit written Testimony to the Civil Justice Committee opposing the bill. The bill will be heard on Thursday, November 19 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 116. You’re also able to testify in person.

To submit written testimony, write a one page letter addressed to Chairman Steve Hambley and Members of the House Civil Justice Committee. Include your name and city, and email it to:

Our future is on the line. The General Assembly cannot cave to the woke mob, especially after yet another strong election for pro-life, pro-family conservatives. Stand with us today!

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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