
Correction to Congressman Brad Wenstrup’s Responses to the 2020 Voter Guide

COLUMBUS – Citizens for Community Values extends our sincere apologies to Congressman Brad Wenstrup for a misprint in our 2020 Voter Guide regarding the researched response to Question 9 on his Federal Survey.

The question reads: “Should organizations that provide abortions, such as Planned Parenthood, be prohibited from receiving federal funds?”

Based on our research, and a statement on his Congressional Website (found here) the response to this question should be “Yes.”

However, in error, we listed his response as “No.”

This was a mistake on our part, and we are working diligently to correct the error:

  • The answer has been corrected with a note on, our Voter Guide website.

  • A statement has been released highlighting the mistake, and making his true position known.

  • The over 100,000 Voter Guides we have printed are having stickers inserted next to his responses with the following message:

    • NOTE: Brad Wenstrup’s response to Question 9 should be “Yes†.” We apologize to Mr. Wenstrup for the misprint.

  • Those in his district who have received a Voter Guide with the incorrect answer will receive a letter correcting the error.

CCV researched and surveyed over 3,000 responses for candidates in 2020, and we take every effort we can to avoid this exact situation. However, this time, we did not meet our standard and want to make clear Congressman Wenstrup’s position.


Aaron Baer
Citizens for Community Values

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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