The Church Is Rising

Prayers of the Righteous are Availing


God is on the move through His Church in Ohio, and He wants you to know about it and be encouraged by it. Directing the statewide Church Ambassador Network at Citizens for Community Values, I get the blessing of witnessing and sometimes participating in this move of the Church by five-fold ministry and faith leaders.

The scripture says in Isaiah 59:19, “when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” The standard that God has lifted up in this season is praise and worship, prayer and fasting. State and citywide fellowships and assemblies are praising and worshipping, fasting and praying both online and in person. The Church of Jesus Christ in Ohio is intreating the forgiveness of God, inviting the presence of God and invoking the power of God at events throughout the heartland, where our state motto is “with God all things are possible.”

Below I share with you:

  1. Updates on policy advances to praise God for

  2. Prayer points to keep before the Lord

  3. Highlights of events hosted by ministries and faith leaders, including an event this Friday, September 25

Praise Reports on Policies Protecting the Church

It's been a great couple of weeks of good news for the Church in Ohio! Read the articles below to learn more.

Points of Prayer

Join me in praying:

  • That the Church of Jesus Christ in Ohio would hunger and thirst after serving our neighbors with the heart and hands of God to the glory of God.

  • That God’s wisdom, providence and favor would overtake the President and U.S. Senate concerning the selection of the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States.

  • That Government authorities would be compelled beyond their understanding and natural inclinations to seek justice, love mercy and walk uprightly before God.

Click here for a PDF of the full September Points of Prayer.

Events You Need to Know About

Check out the below opportunities to get plugged into grace in your communities!


Join the Capitol Ministries for a Capitol Prayer Event, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm on Friday, September 25 in at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus.


In Toledo, the Merge network of pastors gather monthly for prayer, praise and fellowship. Click here to learn more about MERGE.


Summer of Praise: What began on July 1 as 30 days of praise worship outside the Statehouse in Columbus, has continued daily since then. You can learn more about joining and supporting the worship effort here.


Recent noteworthy event: Brothers and Sisters in Christ (B.A.S.I.C.) hosted a Virtual Day Of Prayer & Fasting on September 22. 

B.A.S.I.C. seeks to actively proclaim these grand truths while at the same time working to unify the Body of Christ for the purposes of reclaiming God’s great favor for at least one additional generation of Americans. 

Want to get more involved? Click to learn more!


Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


10/02 First Friday Call: SCOTUS, Overturning Roe, and Churches' Election Rights


SIGNED: CCV-Backed Bill to Prohibit Government from Closing Churches