Peace for Your Days || Nate Ortiz

Practicing social distancing has been a challenge for many, especially teenagers whose social life went from a steady stream to a trickle. This type of transition to immediate isolation comes with an emotional toll. Unfortunately, you can't practice distancing from your emotions as you begin to process these past few weeks.

For teens, this has been a lot to process. School events canceled, plans postponed, and special moments for seniors limited to small gatherings and virtual experiences.

These past weeks have affected us all collectively but impacted us all differently, so the question for teens is, how do you move forward while dealing with these emotions? Whatever emotions you may be dealing with, whether it is fear, anxiousness, depression, bitterness, or anger, I would encourage you to talk with someone about them. Moving forward with unresolved feelings can hinder your ability to trust that better days are ahead.

In Isaiah 26:3, it says: "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!"

Remember, the perfect peace that God brings comes when your trust is in Him, and your thoughts are on Him during life's uncertainties. Trusting in God is believing that He is still good, even when it is hard to see it, which in turn builds our faith.

Having faith allows us to possess hope in something greater than this life can offer. With each passing day, fight to keep your thoughts fixed on Jesus. Fixing your thoughts looks different for everyone, but spend time reading your Bible, journaling, going for a prayer walk, or whatever helps you keep your thoughts on Jesus.

As you continue to walk this journey, be encouraged to know that God has not forgotten about you. When you seek His peace, he is faithful to give it to you.

Nate Ortiz is the State Youth Director for Ohio Youth Ministries.

Nate oversees youth ministries in 280 churches throughout the state. He has a passion to see young people develop a relationship with God that empowers them all of their days.

His wife Lisa and two boys reside in the Columbus area.

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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