Center for Christian Virtue

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The Gates of Hell are No Match for the Church

It has rightly been declared that no group is more influential in society than the Church. Why so? It’s because the Church is the creation of Jesus the Christ himself who decreed that “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." 

In Ohio, the Church, through the work of CCV, has proven its ability to hold back or move forward legislation as necessary to protect faith, family and freedom against the forces that seek to prevail against these inalienable rights and privileges. 

Here’s a quick recap of the Church’s influence this year on public policy that shapes our culture in Ohio: 

Every letter to a legislator, every testimony at a committee hearing, every pastor participating in the Capitol Project, is the Church influencing public policy while simultaneously engaging Kingdom warfare against the forces of darkness. The same forces of darkness that would have the Church believe the lie that they have no right being involved in matters of government politics.

For the record, Ohio’s state government authorities know that the Church is awake, being informed, equipped and engaged by Citizens for Community Values to stand its ground in love without fear; and many of them are very glad about it.

What a partnership we’ve established and by it, we’ll see more victories in 2020! How, you ask? Through the Church Ambassador Network (CAN), your church’s on-ramp to engaging with government.

Through CAN, we are offering Difficult Dialogues presentations for your mid-week or small group ministries to dispel myths and shine the light of truth on cultural issues many in the Church find difficult to talk about. We are also inviting prayer warriors to become a part of our Intercessor Prayer Partner team to stand watch over the advances we, the Church, are making in reclaiming our godly culture. Finally, we are continuing to coordinate Capitol Project sessions with pastors for Shepherds of God’s Church to Shepherds of God’s government - meetings with state lawmakers and authorities for relationship building and prayer.  

This is the Church's finest hour. We're in a time of open heaven. God has equipped the Church to rise, just as He did His son. Remember, our Savior was born in a manger, lived among the people, died on a rugged cross, buried in a borrowed tomb and yet, He arose from it all! JESUS defeated the enemy of his Church once and for all, ensuring the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And greater works shall we do. (John 14:12)

Merry CHRISTmas!

Ruth McNeil
Church Relations Director
Citizens for Community Values
O: 513-733-5775

Creating an Ohio where God's blessings of life, family, and religious freedom are treasured, respected and protected.