Center for Christian Virtue

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More courageous than Chick-fil-A?

The Chick-fil-A story keeps getting worse.

The news that the Chick-fil-A Foundation would cave to pressure from the media and LGBT activists and stop giving to Christian ministries that hold to a biblical view of marriage was incredibly frustrating.

But then it got worse: a review of their giving over the past 3 years found that Chick-fil-A has started funding radical leftist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which erroneously (and dangerously) labels Christian ministries “hate groups.”

Chick-fil-A is a private business. They can support whatever they want to with their money. It’s just sad to see a business that has profited off of Christian support turn their back.

That’s why last week, I signed onto a letter with 48 other national leaders urging Chick-fil-A to turn course. From The Daily Signal:

Leaders of pro-family, pro-life, and other conservative organizations have sent a letter to Chick-fil-A asking the fast-food chicken company to reconsider its decision to no longer financially support the Salvation Army.

Among the 49 signers of the letter were Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America; Kay Coles James, president of The Heritage Foundation; Aaron Baer, president of Citizens for Community Values; Brent L. Bozell, founder and CEO of the Media Research Center; Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel; and Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of First Liberty Institute.

Chick-fil-A’s retreat is just another example of why the work of Citizens for Community Values is so important. Christians like you in the marketplace and in ministry are under incredible attacks today. Liberal organizations aren’t just putting pressure on the media, they’re actively pushing laws that threaten children, families, churches, and ministries.

CCV is the largest organization in the state fighting back. But we can’t do this without you!

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