Kissing Christianity Goodbye…

Joshua Harris, the author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, recently announced that he was divorcing his wife, and walking away from the Christian faith.

Harris’ announcement sounds all too familiar today – in the face of cultural pressure against a Biblical worldview, Christians are losing heart and giving in to the world’s twisted view of just about everything from pre-marital relationships to marriage to life to human sexuality. 

This conflict has its roots in an age-old debate: whether the scriptures are trustworthy, and are truly the Word of God.

Yet we know that God’s Word is unchanging, loving, and beautiful. The church has endured divisive and manipulative cultures before, and we know it will again.

To help church and ministry leaders sort through the difficult relational, spiritual, and legal issues arising from the current cultural debate, CCV is hosting a number of events this fall. Check out the list below!

Upcoming Events

The Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Cincinnati Faith-Based Regional Tour

Friday, August 23, at 9:00 am – 12:00 pm in Cincinnati, Ohio

 The Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives is conducting a regional statewide tour to learn more about you and the community issues that keep you up at night. The office will work in conjunction with faith-based and non-profit organizations to help charitable programs and services expand their reach and improve their services to help those in need in our communities.

Join them for a panel discussion that will help you to understand more about how to partner with state government and other organizations to move your vision for Ohio forward. 

Free Legal Seminars for Churches and Ministries

 Tuesday, October 1 at 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm in Findlay, Ohio

Wednesday, October 2 at  9:00 am – 11:00 am in Columbus, Ohio

 Churches and ministries are under increased legal scrutiny as the culture grows more hostile to a Biblical worldview. Join Citizens for Community Values and Alliance Defending Freedom for this no-cost workshop to learn what your ministry can do today to prepare for challenges tomorrow.  Pastors, priests, ministry leaders, elders, board members, and operations directors are welcome to join.

Hope in a Hostile Culture

Friday, October 18 at 9:30 am – 2:30 pm, Westerville, Ohio

Featuring a national guest speaker, audience Q&A and panelists experienced on the topic

As churches, parishes, and ministries strive to provide hope and healing, Citizens for Community Values wants to help leaders think through some of the most difficult issues facing Christians today like, how do we serve and reach out to a culture that believes a Christian worldview is “hateful”?

Legislative Update

  • Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Legislation (SB 11) –The misleadingly titled “Ohio Fairness Act” would afford protective class status under Civil Rights Laws to persons identifying themselves by their sexual orientation or biological gender other than the one they were born. Currently no additional hearings have been scheduled for this bill which has received three committee hearings in the Senate Judiciary committee. Prayer Focus: Please pray that this bill dies in committee and never reaches a floor vote.

  • The Education Choice Enhancements (SB 166) - The biennial state budget that Governor DeWine signed in July is overflowing with great things for families, children, and Christian education! Here are a few highlights concerning EdChoice:

    • Additional $50M to the EdChoice Expansion line item in FY 2021.

    • Beginning in 2020-2021 school year, all students in grades K-12 are eligible for EdChoice Expansion, a program for low income families regardless of where they attend school.

    • Increases the earmark to Cleveland to $23.5M to include students currently waitlisted in the Cleveland program… [read more]. Prayer focus: Please continue to pray for your district lawmakers, the entire General Assembly and Governor DeWine that we may continue to live peaceful and quite lives in all godliness and dignity here in the great state of Ohio.

  • Student Religious Liberties Act (HB 164) – Sponsored by Rep. Tim Ginter, this bill ensures Christian students – and all students of faith – cannot be discriminated against in public schools for the free exercise of their faith. The bill was passed out of the House Education Committee this spring, and will likely get a full vote in the House of Representatives in the fall. Prayer Focus: That the bill passes in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

 Pray for our State Lawmakers 

  • Representative Michael O’Brien has served the 64th House district since 2015. The district covers most of Trumbull and a part of Ashtabula counties. He’s assigned to the Energy and Natural Resources, Finance, Transportation and Public Safety Committees.

  • Representative Scott Wiggam is currently serving his second term for the 1st House district. The district covers all of Wayne county. He’s assigned to the Energy and Natural Resources, Public Utilities, State and Local government and Sunset Review Committees. Representative Wiggam is a decorated veteran of the US Air Force.

  • Senator Rob McColley took office to serve the 1st Senate district in December 2017. The District covers Williams, Defiance, Henry, Paulding, Putnam, Hancock, VanWert, Hardin and parts of Fulton, Auglaize and Logan counties. He’s assigned to the Transportation, Commerce & Workforce, Energy & Public Utilities, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Finance, Government Oversight & Reform, Higher Education and, Judiciary Committees.

Don’t Forget!

Sign up for The Capitol Project

The Ohio Capitol Project brings God’s light to the Ohio Statehouse by connecting pastors to their lawmakers for prayer and relationship building. Pastors meet with elected officials from both parties to affirm and demonstrate Biblical instructions to the body of Christ. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 requires us to pray for those who are in authority that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life. Romans 13 instructs us to be subject to governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established. Let me know that you and your colleagues are ready to participate and I will schedule your Capitol Project session.

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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Aborting Black Lives