BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court Upholds Cross on Public Land

Supreme Court Upholds Constitutionality of WWI Memorial Cross on Public Land

Statement from Citizens for Community Values President Aaron Baer

COLUMBUS – In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this morning that a Bladensburg Peace Cross World War I Memorial on public land does not violate the Constitution. The American Humanist Association sued to remove the Bladensburg Cross, claiming it violated the separation of church and state.

The following statement is from CCV President Aaron Baer:

“Once again, the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed our nation’s first freedom: religious liberty. In a powerful 7-2 decision, the Court upheld what most Americans know to be true: religious displays on public lands do not violate the Constitution or represent an ‘establishment of religion.’

“Today’s decision is especially relevant to Ohioans for two reasons. First, radical activist groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation are on a crusade to threaten state and local leaders to abandon prayer and any other religious displays on government property. Our advice to Ohio leaders is that when FFRF calls, just hang up the phone. Time and time again the courts have rejected their arguments. Their anti-religious worldview is un-American.

“Second, it’s a reminder that elections have consequences! America has a federal judiciary today that respects religious freedom and the Constitution because Ohio voters stood up and had their voice heard. Thanks to President Donald Trump for nominating originalist judges, and leaders like Senator Rob Portman for affirming these nominees, we are on an unprecedented winning streak for religious freedom today.

 â€œLastly, I want to thank our friends at the First Liberty Institute for defending the Bladensburg Cross so effectively at the Supreme Court. As a small token of our thanks, I want to encourage every Ohioan to make at least a $17 donation to First Liberty – to say thanks from the 17th state in the union! You can make a tax-deductible donation to First Liberty by clicking here."

 For more information, contact Citizens for Community Values at, or 513.733.5775.

 As Ohio’s Family Policy Council, Citizens for Community Values seeks the good of our neighbors throughout Ohio by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. We endeavor to create an Ohio where God’s blessings of life, family, and religious freedom are treasured, respected, and protected.


Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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