Center for Christian Virtue

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Preorder your Voter Guides today!

In the coming weeks, Citizens for Community Values will be releasing our nonpartisan Voter Guide for the November 6 General Election.

This year’s Voter Guide includes:

Ohio GovernorU.S. SenateU.S. CongressOhio Secretary of StateOhio Attorney GeneralOhio TreasurerOhio Auditor

As a nonpartisan Voter Guide, churches and other 501(c)(3) organizations can distribute this crucial election resource. For the first time for statewide offices, US Senate, and Congress, for those candidates who declined to respond to our survey, CCV researched candidate public statements and voting records to provide answers on survey questions when possible.

We are now taking pre-orders of the Voter Guide. CCV provides this resource to churches and ministries at no cost. By pre-ordering your Voter Guides, you are assisting us to ensure we print no more guides than needed.

Use the form below to pre-order!

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