BREAKING NEWS: Justice Anthony Kennedy is Retiring

Justice Anthony Kennedy has notified President Trump that he intends to retire from the US Supreme Court, effective July 31, 2018. You can read his letter here.After a historic term at the Supreme Court in which Justice Kennedy joined in a number of monumental court decisions that affirm the First Amendment freedoms of every American, the future of our nation’s highest court will now be on the line.“There is perhaps no more important issue today than who is on the U.S. Supreme Court. President Trump has a strong record for nominating judges that uphold the Constitution as it is written.Citizens for Community Values calls on President Trump to appoint, and Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown to confirm, a justice to the Supreme Court that respects the role of the judiciary and affirms the fundamental freedoms of all Americans – born and unborn.”Statement from Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


Trump makes Sen. Brown's and Sen. Portman's decision easy


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