Center for Christian Virtue

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ACLU Sacrifices Medical Accuracy for Political Ideology

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, March 29, 2018 

ACLU Sacrifices Medical Accuracy for Political Ideology

Statement from Citizens for Community Values President Aaron Baer on the ACLU’s lawsuit against the state of Ohio for having medically accurate birth certificates signifying an individual's biological sex.

COLUMBUS – “Once again, the ACLU is wasting taxpayer money. Having a medically accurate birth certificate is essential to protecting the health, safety, and privacy rights of men, women and children.”“With this lawsuit, the ACLU is sacrificing medical accuracy for political ideology by attempting to force the state to falsify official records. A birth certificate that doesn’t accurately reflect the biological realities of an individual becomes a meaningless, if not harmful document.”"Make no mistake, this lawsuit isn’t about whether Ohioans can be supportive of people with gender dysphoria. It’s about whether politics trumps biology. The ACLU’s claims are based in junk science. The truth is, harmful lawsuits like this have real life consequences for every day Ohioans. The Ohio Department of Health and Office of Vital Statistics must stand up to these bully tactics and defend Ohio’s policies.”For more information, email or call 513.733.5775, ext 403. Visit for more information.Read the ACLU’s lawsuite here:

As Ohio’s Family Policy Council, Citizens for Community Values seeks the good of our neighbors throughout Ohio by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. We endeavor to create an Ohio where God’s blessings of life, family, and religious freedom are treasured, respected, and protected.
