Center for Christian Virtue

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The Rundown: Scaramucci!

The right decision was made.

I’m having the best cup of coffee right now in Portsmouth, Ohio at Coffee @ the Lofts.I made the trip bright and early to Portsmouth to catch the beginning of the annual Roy Rogers Festival.For the last few years, the festival has kicked off with the “Roy Rogers’ Character Awards” – led by CCV Board Member Tim Throckmorton, and former CCV President and current dean of Ohio Christian University Monty Lobb.As I was sitting at the awards listening to these friends talk about character, I couldn’t help but think about our politics today. Especially the most recent episode, in which Anthony Scaramucci made history by serving one of the shortest stints as a senior White House official for showing a complete lack of character.The President did the right thing to remove Scaramucci from office, but this situation was a great test for the Christian community in America.As my friend and colleague Bob Vander Platts of the Iowa Family Leader wrote, supporting the President also means holding him accountable. And when the Scaramucci comments first came out, Christian leaders in one voice needed to call for his resignation, as Bob did:“To my fellow faith leaders: I urge you to fulfill your calling to be the prophetic voice to the king – in this case, President Trump. Your silence is an assent of approval.”Thanks to the leadership of people like Bob (and new White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly), Scarmucci didn’t last long.But these last few weeks were a reminder that if we want to live in communities that value things like self-control, prudence, and humility, we need to also demand it from our leaders.