The Rundown: This can’t wait

The Rundown: This can’t wait

We’ve waited long enough. It’s time for courage not more compromise.

The U.S. Senate is still struggling to repeal and replace Obamacare. What’s worse, we’re beginning to hear rumors that some Senators are considering passing a replacement to Obamacare that doesn’t defund Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.It should be clear: defunding Planned Parenthood was a central campaign promise from countless lawmakers.And not just in 2016.In 2010 we were told, “if pro-lifers only controlled congress, we could defund Planned Parenthood!”And then pro-lifers took congress.Next in 2014, we were told “If pro-lifers only controlled Congress AND the Senate, we could defund Planned Parenthood!”So pro-lifers took the Senate.…then in 2016, we were told “If pro-lifers only controlled Congress, the Senate, AND the White House, we could defund Planned Parenthood!”And behold! Pro-lifers are in power across the board.Yet somehow, we still haven’t gotten the job done.Talk is cheap. It’s time for courageous action – and the pro-life community won’t stand for more delays after standing strong in elections for so many years.And speaking of courage…Don’t forget to submit your nominations for CCV’s Courage Awards! We’re accepting nominations now for Lawmakers, Pastors, Activists, and Leaders Under 30.  Click the image below to submit a nominee!

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


The Rundown: Scaramucci!


The Rundown: Shut it down