The Rundown: Shut it down

The abortion industry wants to shut down all discussion

Sorry the Rundown is a day late – I spent the day in Toledo yesterday meeting with CCV friends and hearing more about all the good the Body of Christ is doing up there. Protestants and Catholics doing great work for the community, like at the Toledo Diocese and Cherry Street Ministries.I also caught up with friends at the Toledo Pregnancy Center. Toledo has made great pro-life progress lately (And can’t talk about the pro-life progress without also mentioning Ed Sitter atToledo Right to Life.)Toledo now has one abortion clinic, and it is surrounded by pro-life advocates working to show women that abortion isn’t their only option.Unfortunately, abortion advocates are doing everything possible to shut down the conversation around abortion, and stop pro-lifers from sharing other choices with women in crisis (very “pro-choice” of them, right?)First – you may have seen that the Toledo City Council is considering a “buffer-zone ordinance” to intimidate pro-lifers. The proposed law puts a 20-foot buffer around the clinic to stop side walk counselors and others from reaching the women walking into the clinic.CCV’s new Legal Counsel and Director of Policy Josh Brown sent a letter to the town council, advising them that not only was the ordinance bad policy, it likely violated the Constitutional right to free speech.Next, there is a growing movement to attack Pregnancy Resource Centers, who work to support women with unplanned pregnancies, instead of pressuring them into abortion. Websites like this are encouraging abortion advocates to smear Pregnancy Centers online on sites like Yelp, Facebook, and Google+.This orchestrated effort hopes to discredit the loving, compassionate, and professional work of pregnancy centers, and to scare women off from ever entering their doors.What’s clear today is that the pro-life movement has the wind to our backs, yet the abortion industry isn’t going to go away without a fight. I have no doubt things will get more challenging in the years that come. And unfortunately, children will continue to lose their lives during that time. But I’m more confident than ever (especially after seeing the great work in NW Ohio) that one day in our lifetime legalized abortion will be a thing of the past.

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


The Rundown: This can’t wait


Press Release: Growing the Christian Voice at the Statehouse: CCV Hires Director of Public Policy, Opens Downtown Columbus Office