Center for Christian Virtue

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The Rundown: Major wins for freedom in DC and Ohio

What's Happening


  • 0 points for truth: A gender studies professor at the University of Cincinnati was recently in the news after one of her students shared online that she received a zero for an assignment because she used the term "biological women." In a follow-up interview, the professor defended her decision, arguing that free speech ends when "you are, intentionally or unintentionally, participating in a systemic harm of some kind."

  • Signing for murder: While pro-abortionists succeeded in gathering more than the required 413,446 signatures to put their constitutional amendment on the ballot in November, the signatures must still be verified by Secretary of State Frank LaRose. If the number of verified signatures falls short, they would have an additional 10 days to try to meet the requirement. If they end up with sufficient valid signatures, the issue would appear on the ballot on Tuesday, November 7, and allow Ohioans to vote on the amendment, which would permanently legalize abortion up to birth—including gruesome partial-birth abortion, remove parental consent for minors to receive abortions and sex-change surgeries, outlaw hospital health and safety standards, and more. 

  • Budgeting for success: Governor DeWine signed into law Ohio's next biennial State Operating Budget earlier this week. The CCV-backed budget includes a number of great wins for families and freedom, including expanding EdChoice eligibility to every Ohio student, reforming the Department of Education, protecting children from online predators, expanding funding for pregnancy centers, and launching five new free-speech centers at universities.


  • SCOTUS wins: Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued their final rulings of the year. One was a win for free speech, another dealt with affirmative action—helping to prevent college admissions from discriminating based on race, and a third found that President Biden does not have the authority to cancel federal student loans.

  • Universally better: According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Catholic school students performed at or near the top in reading and math compared to their public school counterparts coming out of COVID-19. NAEP is considered the most consistent measure of U.S. student achievement over time and a lens into student success. Additionally, Catholic schools were among the first to adapt to remote learning, and among the first to go back to in-person during COVID-19.

Listen Up

Men are given three options from culture: They can act from a place of toxic masculinity, renounce manhood altogether, or adopt a life of apathetic consumerism. U.S. Senator Josh Hawley believes wholeheartedly that God has a much higher calling for men, with purpose found in the pages of scripture. In a new episode of The Narrative, he joins CCV President Aaron Baer, Policy Director David Mahan, and Communications Director Mike Andrews to dive into his new book, Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs.

In the most recent episode, Alexandra DeSanctis, a key voice on abortion policy, joined CCV Communications Director Mike Andrews and Policy Director David Mahan on The Narrative. She recaps the landscape of the first year in a post-Roe world and looks ahead to the future of the pro-life fight in America including how pro-lifers can combat this issue with effective communication.

Listen now!

The Fight for Life: What You Need to Know

In Ohio, we're in the fight of a lifetime to protect women, children, and unborn babies.

Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other radical pro-abortion, anti-parent organizations are pushing an amendment to our state Constitution that would permanently legalize abortion up to birth—including gruesome partial-birth abortion, remove parental consent for minors to receive abortions and sex-change surgeries, outlaw hospital health and safety standards, and more. They gathered more than the required number of signatures, but those signatures must be verified before the ballot can officially go on the November ballot.

But in the Tuesday, August 8, Special Election, we have a chance to elevate the standard to amend our Ohio Constitution to 60 percent of the vote, ensuring that only the most widespread, popular ideas make it into our foundational governing document.

Check out these easy ways to protect life in 2023:

  1. Pledge to Be a Vote for the Voiceless to get urgent election updates and unite with Christians across Ohio to protect life this August!

  2. Connect with CCV's County Captains campaign to help reach and educate Christians in all 88 Ohio counties. Medical professionals can join a special pro-life healthcare coalition.

  3. Meet with your pastor and help educate and motivate your church to protect life.

  4. Inform your friends and family about how Issue 1 in August can protect Ohio's Constitution from abortion and other dangerous ideas. 

  5. Vote YES on Issue 1 in the August 8 Special Election to elevate the standard to amend the Ohio Constitution. You can read the ballot language, official explanation, official argument for, and the official argument against.

  6. Order our free pro-life devotional—More Than Conquerors: Six Weeks of Prayer for Ohio, the Unborn, and Women—for yourself, your church, your small group, or your friends and family.

  7. Learn more about the proposed abortion amendment and read the ballot language.

  8. Donate to CCV to support our efforts in educating and activating the Church.

  9. Pray for Issue 1 to overwhelmingly pass in the August 8 Special Election, for the abortion signature collection to fall short, for the pro-abortion coalition to be divided and confused, for the darkness to be brought to light, for the truth to be compelling, and for the protection of women, children, and unborn babies.

Paid for by Center for Christian Virtue. Not authorized by any ballot issue committee.

Worldview Development

As a Christian, it can be hard to know how to engage with social-political conversations from a Biblical worldview. Here's our top recommendation this week for developing your worldview to be equipped to tackle today's top issues:

Ven. Fulton Sheen: ‘The Declaration of Independence Is a Declaration of Dependence’

We are independent of dictators because we are de­pendent on God. God is the necessary factor of our salvation. As a result, he is to be the center of our lives. His ways ought to permeate every aspect and area of our lives: education, employment, pleasure, mourning, socializing, etc. All is done in sight of the omnipotent Lord, and all we do should be done reflecting this knowledge. Our every interaction should be filled with the love of our Savior.

Read the full article here.

Legislative Update

With Ohio's next biennial state budget completed, take a moment to review where other CCV-backed legislation currently stands in the 135th General Assembly.

View the July 6, 2023, Legislative Tracker

Click here to learn how a bill becomes a law in Ohio.

Take Action: Make a Difference. Get in Touch.

Elected by voters like you, our state legislators are highly motivated to listen to their constituents. It only takes 60 seconds to make your voice heard by using our Action Center to learn about the critical bills being debated at the Ohio Statehouse and to urge your Ohio legislators to take action on:

  • The Parents' Bill of Rights

  • The SAFE Act

  • The Save Women's Sports Act 

  • The Backpack Bill

Take Action


There are two critical elections for Christians this year: the August 8 Special Election and the November 7 General Election.

Important Dates

Military and overseas absentee voting began Friday, June 23.

  • Monday, July 10: Deadline for voter registration for the Special Election

  • Wednesday, July 11: Early voting begins for the Special Election

  • Tuesday, August 8: Special Election Day*

  • Tuesday, October 10: Deadline for voter registration for the General Election

  • Wednesday, October 11: Early voting begins for the General Election

  • Tuesday, October 31: Applications for absentee ballots for the General Election must be received by Boards of Elections by close of business

  • Tuesday, November 7: General Election Day*

To Do:

  1. Are you registered to vote? It's easy to register to vote or update your voter registration information online at

  2. Review what's on your ballot. Each county Board of Elections office has a list of the candidates and issues appearing on your ballot.

  3. Learn more about Ohio elections, request an absentee ballot, and more here.

*Please note that in-person voting law has changed; a photo ID is now required to cast a ballot. View accepted forms of ID.

Don't Miss

  • Prayer at the Statehouse
    Join us on Wednesday, September 13, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for this popular prayer event! Register today to join us.

  • 2023 Ohio March for Life
    Join us for our second annual statewide march on Friday, October 6, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Check out the details we have so far.


Scripture calls us to pray for those in authority and to have confidence that God hears our prayers. Join the CCV team this week in praying for the below intentions.

  • Our elected officials: U.S. Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Troy), Rep. Bill Dean (R-Xenia), Rep. Richard Dell'Aquila (D-Seven Hills), and Rep. Steve Demetriou (R-Bainbridge Twp).

  • The entire CCV team as we are leading major pro-life campaigns ahead of the August 8 Special Election and the November 7 General Election, as well as planning the second annual Ohio March for Life.

  • The success of Issue 1 on the August 8 Special Election ballot.

  • Pray that the Lord would confuse the plans of the Enemy and bring to light the evils of abortion. If you're able to, we also encourage you to add prayerful fasting to your intercession on this critical issue.

That's all we have for this week. Be sure to keep an eye out for our next edition, and don't forget to share CCV's Rundown with others.