Center for Christian Virtue

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Hands off our kids

History is being made in Hamilton County for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes my job is surreal.Yesterday was one of those days, when I stood outside of Hamilton County Courthouse with other leaders denouncing a decision by Hamilton County Visiting Judge Sylvia Hendon in which she approved the state's removal of a child from parents’ custody because they wouldn’t allow the child to take hormone-manipulating drugs to “transition” genders. To our knowledge, this is the first time this has happened in our nation.Who could have imagined that this is where we’d be today? The state has no right to take our children away and to give them experimental drugs.But there we stood – and I’m grateful to have been with such strong leaders.At the press conference we made three announcements:First: Rep. Tom Brinkman will be bringing forward legislation to ensure the state can never remove a child from their parents’ custody because the parents will not consent to hormone therapy for “gender transition.”Second: Every elected office holder in Ohio must make it clear what they think of this case – do they think it’s okay for the state to essentially mandate that kids are allowed to take these dangerous and untested drugs?Third: CCV has filed a medical ethics complaint against Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Dr. Lauran Conard with the State of Ohio Medical Board. Dr. Conard leads the Transgender program at Cincinnati Children’s.You can read more about our event here – the bottom line: CCV will not stand idly by when such serious injustice is happening in our state.Here are some pictures from the event – and you can view more on our Facebook page. Thanks to all those who attended!And a special thanks to the Activist Mommy who delivered a powerful message at the press conference. Be sure to follow her on Facebook as well!


The Rundown is a weekly update from CCV President Aaron Baer.