It’s more simple than they make it

Every student is unique, so why are we trying to put them all through the same system?There are few things that would have as massive of an impact on Ohio as empowering every family to choose the education that best meets their needs.Ohio needs to have high quality options for parents to choose from: whether that’s public, private, charter, online, or home education, Ohio should be a state that provides educational opportunities that are as diverse as our population.It’s why I’m such a fan of school choice – and why we’re looking forward to celebrating School Choice Week next week.CCV is co-sponsoring event next Wednesday evening on the topic – details are above. If you’re interested in learning more and getting involved in the school choice movement, you won’t want to miss this one!Old School Status Quo or Education Policy Overhaul: A discussion on the future of Ohio K-12 EducationCome network and join us for a discussion on the future of K-12 Education policy and what policy reforms the future may hold for Ohio students. The evening will include a moderated discussion with panelists Lennie Jarratt from The Heartland Institute and Americans for Prosperity’s Ezra Escudero, as well as an hors d'oeuvres reception!


Held at the Athletic Club of Columbus, doors will open at 5:30 pm and our panelists will begin their discussion at 6:15 pm. RSVP here and on Facebook—come meet and network with other young liberty-minded professionals from Columbus and across Ohio!Lennie Jarratt is the former managing editor (2013-2014) of Champion News, an Illinois based news website focused on reporting on education and Illinois politics. Jarratt was the managing editor (2004-2011) of Education Matters which researched education in local school districts across Illinois. He has presented the analysis on Common Core and education choice on Fox News, Breitbart, ABC Chicago and multiple radio outlets and newspapers across the United States.Ezra Escudero was named Executive Director of the Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs in 2003. After working for several years in the private sector, he was called back to public service in 2013 as the State Director of the Ohio SBDC Network (Small Business Development Centers). He and his team served as champions of Ohio's entrepreneurs, delivering technical assistance to over 9,000 small businesswomen and men every year at 30 centers around Ohio and 10 export centers around the world. Ezra previously served as the Ohio Field Director for The Libre Initiative, where he advocated for educational choice and the issues affecting the Latino community throughout Ohio. He is currently the Ohio Coalitions Director of Americans for Prosperity.The Rundown is a weekly update from CCV President Aaron Baer

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


Ohio Chamber of Commerce Supports Anti-Business, Anti-Freedom Regulations


That’s a lie