Top 3 reasons (with pics!) to donate to CCV on #GivingTuesday

It’s #GivingTuesday! #GivingTuesday is a relatively new… but uniquely AMERICAN tradition (did you know the United States is the most generous nation in the world?)This #GivingTuesday, we hope you consider making a tax-deductible, secure online donation to Citizens for Community Values.And while there are countless reasons to support our mission, here are three really good ones.

#1 CCV Serves Those Who Serve Ohio

The Body of Christ in Ohio is doing amazing things in support of families, orphans, the unborn, the homeless, and the addicted.As one of the most influential Christian voices at the Statehouse, CCV works to protect the religious freedom of all of these ministries. Our goal is to ensure the government never penalizes a Christian ministry because of their religious beliefs.We work to keep local, state, and federal government off the backs of Christian ministries so they can love and serve your community.

#2 Giving Christians a Voice in the 2018 Election

Elections have consequences (See: Gorsuch, Neil).In 2018, Ohio will be voting for a Governor & a U.S. Senator (and many, many other offices). No one has a track record like CCV in terms of educating, equipping and empowering the church to turn out to vote. That’s because our work isn’t a political party. It’s about principle, and working to protect life, build up families, and safeguard religious freedom!

#3 “Freedom isn’t passed down through the bloodstream”

Ronald Reagan once said that we don’t pass freedom down to our children through our bloodstream, we have to fight for it and protect it.No one fights harder for freedom and family than CCV – we understand that freedoms once lost are rarely regained.

So stand with us today! Click here to make a donation!

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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