The Rundown: Do you know these people? You should…

Living the Courageous Life

Several months ago, we asked for your nominations for CCV’s Courage Awards. We got responses from all over the state – I’m amazed at how many people are standing up today to do what’s right in Jesus’ name.Before I share with you the winners, I want to let you know why we renamed our annual awards to be the “Courage Awards.”Being an outspoken Christian today is becoming more difficult. Our views are increasingly in conflict with mainstream culture.This isn’t something to be afraid of – in fact, it gives us the opportunity to be distinct, and show that the Gospel has something unique and beautiful to offer our state. But as the world around us grows more hostile, it’s going to take real courage to live out the truth to which we hold fast.Ohio is full of courageous men and women who do this every day. And we want to celebrate them.Here are the 2017 Courage Award Winners – we will be presenting them with their awards on Sunday night at Together for Ohio: An Evening with the Candidates for Governor (tickets are still available)!

Representative Paul Zeltwanger
Representative Paul Zeltwanger is currently serving his second term as State Representative. He represents the 54th Ohio House District, which encompasses portions of Warren County including Deerfield Township, Lebanon and Mason, as well as part of Butler County.

Molly Smith
Molly Smith has been active in the pro-life movement for over 30 years and served as executive director of Cleveland Right to Life for more than a decade

Adam Josefczyk
Adam Josefczyk is the executive director of Forge Leadership Network, which is creating the next generation of conservative leaders in the public square.

Pastor Johnathan Newman
Pastor Johnathan Newman is the pastor ofKoinos Fellowship Church in Troy, Ohio.

  The Rundown is a weekly update from CCV President Aaron Baer

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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