Center for Christian Virtue

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WATCH: Detransitioners, Medical Professionals, Parents Testify on SAFE Act

COLUMBUS–House Bill 68 (HB68), sponsored by Representative Gary Click (R-Vickery), is scheduled to receive its second hearing before the House Public Health Policy Committee Wednesday, April 26–at 9:30 am. 

Among the proponents is Chloe Cole, a young woman who identified as a boy as a child, had an elective double mastectomy only to regret it, and resumed living her life as a female. Joining her in support of the bill are two additional detransitioners, parents, medical professionals, and the Catholic Conference of Ohio. 

The Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act would ban the experimental and dangerous practice of giving children puberty-blocking drugs and wrong-sex hormones for the purpose of “gender transitioning.” The SAFE Act would make Ohio the seventh state to ban hospitals and clinics from pushing these dangerous medications on children and to prohibit transgender surgeries on children.

The use of puberty-blocking hormones and wrong-sex hormones in minors can lead to irreversible, permanent, and lifelong sterilization. Surgical interventions can cause permanent disfigurement and scarring, and carry a risk of significant complications such as physical and sexual malfunction. There are currently at least seven gender clinics in Ohio that offer these services for patients under the age of 18.

Committee hearings are open to the public at the Ohio Statehouse.

Unable to watch the hearing live? Once it's posted, you can watch the recording.

To become law, a bill must go through both Chambers of the Ohio Statehouse to be sent to the governor for his approval.

Take Action: Our children are not science experiments.

NBC4i The Spectrum recently confirmed that double mastectomies are being performed on minor girls in Ohio solely for the purpose of "gender transitioning."

Contact your state lawmakers now and ask them to save our kids from medical experimentation. It only takes a minute but the impact is lasting.

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For more information, contact CCV at 513-733-5775 or

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. 
