Center for Christian Virtue

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Take Action: Host a Backpack Bill Party!

The Backpack Bill is innovative education reform that ensures Ohio funds students, not bureaucracy. It ensures that all Ohio students are eligible for a taxpayer-funded scholarship that goes wherever they go, if they opt into the program.

Help Pass the Backpack Bill by Hosting a Backpack Bill Party!

 Backpack Bill Parties are a unique way to educate your friends on Ohio’s education system and send postcards to your legislators telling them why we need the Backpack Bill. You can host the party in your own home with videos and supplies curated by the CCV team to guide you.

These approximately 60-minute parties are an opportunity to gather parents, school choice advocates, and any concerned Ohioan together to learn the facts about Ohio’s education, hear from local parents on the issues they are facing, share your education stories, contact your legislators to encourage them to pass the Backpack Bill, and be equipped to spread the word on this critical movement.

Backpack Bill Party Kits are available to order in a yellow backpack that includes:

  • Party Host Instructions with a link to the party website

  • Backpack Postcards with stamps for your Legislators

  • Stickers

  • Trivia Prizes

  • How a Bill Becomes a Law information

  • Ohio Christian Education Network Pens

Order your Party Kit today to become a part of the movement for Educational Freedom in Ohio!

For more information, contact CCV at 513-733-5775 or

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.
