Center for Christian Virtue

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Recording and Action Steps for "The Future of Ohio" Live Stream

You've probably heard rumblings about the abortion ballot initiative, SAFE Act, Backpack Bill, and the Save Women's Sports Act. Do you want to get caught up on what's actually happening right now without any spin from the media?

Last Thursday, CCV hosted a live stream for this very purpose!

Paul Fitzpatrick of the 1792 Exchange also joined to share about the Corporate Bias Rating index and to discuss the official launch of the Christian Business Partnership, Ohio's first and only statewide Christian Chamber of Commerce. 

We thought this conversation was so insightful that we wanted to make sure you had a copy to reference or to watch if you weren't able to join on Thursday.

Learn More & Take Action

  1. Listen to the full interview with Paul Fitzpatrick from a recent episode of The Narrative to learn more about his work fighting woke capitalism.

  2. Join the pro-life medical professionals coalition. We need your help to protect life and the healthcare regulations that safeguard women in Ohio! Pro-abortion groups want to see abortion up to birth with no protection for the unborn. So CCV is organizing a pro-life medical group to speak out against the dangers of abortion. Sign up to let us know you're interested in joining and taking a stand.

  3. The Backpack Bill–House Bill 11, sponsored by Reps. Riordan McClain (R-Upper Sandusky) and Marilyn John (R-Shelby), would empower families to choose the educational option that best meets their child’s needs by tying state resources directly to the student so that Ohio funds students and teachers instead of buildings and bureaucrats. Senate Bill 11, sponsored by Sen. Sandra O'Brien, is the Backpack-style Bill in the Ohio Senate. Help pass the Backpack Bill.

  4. The Save Women’s Sports Act–House Bill 6, sponsored by Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum), would preserve the integrity of women’s sports by protecting female athletes from having to compete against biological males who have an unfair physical advantage over them. Help Save Women's Sports.

  5. The SAFE Act–sponsored by Rep. Gary Click (R-Vickery), would protect children from being “gender-transitioned” by adults. No doctor in the state of Ohio would be permitted to prescribe puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or genital mutilation to kids struggling with their identity. Help protect children.

  6. Interested in testifying on any of these bills? Submit this short form.

For more information, contact CCV at 513-733-5775 or

 As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. 
