Center for Christian Virtue

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Poll: Overwhelming Support for School Choice

Research Confirms Parents Want School Choice Programs

Survey reports just released by Indianapolis-based EdChoice(1) demonstrate that an overwhelming percentage of parents support state-funded programs that give them a range of school options for their children. This data mirrors similar research(2) that reveals a majority of both parties now support school choice programs.

When surveyed, 78% of parents indicated they support school choice voucher programs similar to Ohio’s EdChoice Scholarship program. That percentage jumped to 84% supporting Education Scholarship Accounts (ESAs), which parents could use for tuition at a private school or for homeschooling expenses. More than 3 out of 4 parents believed that ESAs should be universal and granted to every student, as provided for by Ohio HB290, also known as the Backpack Bill.

“Ohio’s parents realize that a one-size-fits-all approach to education does not serve every student well,” said Troy McIntosh, Executive Director of the Ohio Christian Education Network. “Parents and students want themselves to be empowered to make the important decision of where to enroll for school. And this is true across the political spectrum.”

The Backpack Bill responds to this overwhelming parent support by providing a “funding follows the student” model. Each student who opts into the program would be granted an ESA that would be funded by the state’s per-pupil budget allocation. The student may use that money at the school of his or her choice.

“Funding students and not systems is the most effective and efficient way to provide high-quality, innovative education for Ohio’s students,” McIntosh continued. “Allowing parents to choose their child’s school creates market forces that will move all schools—public and private—to improve and flourish for the benefit of every student in the state.”

For more information on HB290, visit

(1) Catt, D., Kristof, J., and DiPerna, P. (September, 2021). Schooling in America. Retrieved from

(2) American Federation for Children (April 6, 2021). Real Clear Opinion Research Poll: School Choice Support Soars. Retrieved from

For more information, contact CCV at 513-733-5775 or

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.