Center for Christian Virtue

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Day of Prayer for Ukraine Declared for Ohio

Scripture tells us that the God of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:4).

This was the verse that came to mind when I saw the image of Ukrainian Christians praying in a town square as Russia prepared to invade, and the video of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters singing hymns huddled in a subway station they were using as a bomb shelter.  

The Bible also teaches us that God “hears our cries” (Exodus 3:7) and is able to come down from heaven to deliver us. 

Governor Mike DeWine has declared Sunday, February 27, 2022 a Day of Prayer for Ukraine. It’s because of the unmatched power of prayer that I invite you to join me, the CCV team, and Christians across Ohio in pleading with our Heavenly Father to end the war in Ukraine, and bring peace to our world in Jesus’ name. 

May the creator of heaven and earth hear our prayers, and have mercy on us and Ukraine. 

In Christ’s peace and freedom,

Aaron Baer


Center for Christian Virtue