Center for Christian Virtue

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CCV’s First School-in-a-Church is Changing Lives

Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) has a strategic plan to fundamentally transform education, which starts with passing the Backpack Bill through the Ohio General Assembly. By tying education funding to students and not systems, every child in Ohio would eligible for a scholarship to get out of morally- and academically-failing public schools and attend a school of his or her choice.

Funding is only one part of the equation, though. To get out of public schools, most kids also need a convenient alternative near their homes.

However, providing options doesn't mean constructing new buildings. Because there are churches on street corners across the country that are empty six days a week, CCV set out to build a model that any church could follow to start a school in their empty Sunday school classrooms.

In late 2020, Memorial Baptist Church commissioned a demographic study and identified the greatest needs in the Columbus Hilltop neighborhood, among which were better education options for the kids. CCV approached Memorial Baptist with the idea of being the pilot school-in-a-church and, after prayerful consideration, the church officially agreed to host Westside Christian School (WCS) in partnership with CCV and eight additional westside churches from various denominations.

At the end of WCS'  first semester, the fruits of this unique collaboration have been tremendous and unexpected! To learn more, click the image below to watch this special video.

CCV plans to continue to fine tune this model and open 4 to 5 more schools next year, and then rapidly scale up. This combination of good public policy and an active, engaged church driven by a passion for the Gospel is what will bring our nation back from the brink. And this is your invitation to join Center for Christian Virtue in the Redemption Business.

If you join with us, we can expand our school-planting vision by starting more schools like Westside Christian School. Your tax-deductible donation to CCV allows us to walk alongside and equip more churches in 2023 to provide a hope and a future to the children in their communities.

Read more about CCV’s first school-in-a-church plant: