Center for Christian Virtue

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Pornography in Ohio

You’ve probably seen it in your own church - pornography is wreaking havoc on our families and communities. Studies have shown the proliferation of pornography has contributed to a host of problems – from human trafficking to the rise of sexual assault of women.

That’s why Citizens for Community Values drafted a resolution that was introduced at the Ohio Statehouse to declare pornography a public health crisis. House Resolution 180, sponsored by Rep. Jena Powell, highlights the connection of pornography to human trafficking, the objectification of women, and the harms of pornography to men, boys, and families.

Your voice is needed in support of this resolution! Click here if you’d like to sign up to testify in support of the resolution. CCV will send out more information in the fall when hearings get closer.

Legislative Update

  • Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Legislation (SB 11) –The misleadingly titled “Ohio Fairness Act” which would afford protective class status under Civil Rights Laws to persons identifying themselves by their sexual orientation or biological gender other than the one they were born. This bill has received three committee hearings in the Senate Judiciary committee, but thankfully does not have any other hearings currently scheduled. Click here to read more about its threats to religious freedoms, women and children.

  • State Budget (SB 166) – The state House and Senate are still in negotiations on the State budget. Currently in the Senate budget, there are significant expansions to the state’s voucher program, which provides dollars for children to attend private Christian schools, and a significant growth in the state’s support of pro-life pregnancy centers.

  • Student Religious Liberties Act (HB 164) – Sponsored by Rep. Tim Ginter, this bill ensures Christian students – and all students of faith – cannot be discriminated against in public schools for the free exercise of their faith. The bill was recently passed out of the House Education Committee, and will likely get a full vote in the House of Representatives in the fall.

Pray for our Leaders

  • Representative Emilia Strong Sykes is in her third term serving the 34th House District in Summit County. Representative Sykes is leader of the House minority caucus and is outspoken on issues of affecting women and girls.

  • Representative Kris Jordan is now in his first term serving the 67th House District in Delaware County. He is a former Ohio Senator and currently sits on the Financial Institutions, Public Utilities and Ways and Means committees.

  • Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost was elected to the position in November 2018. Currently he is representing the state of Ohio in a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against the Ohio Fetal Detection law banning abortions once a baby’s heartbeat is detected. He’s also considering anti-trust action against big tech companies

Don’t Forget!

Sign up for The Capitol Project 

The Ohio Capitol Project brings God’s light to the Ohio Statehouse by connecting pastors to their lawmakers for prayer and relationship building. The Capitol Project is about breaking down party lines and divisions. That’s why pastors meet with elected officials from both parties, and why this isn’t a “lobbying” event.

We’re setting dates for the fall now! Sign up below!

You’ve probably seen it in your own church - pornography is wreaking havoc on our families and communities. Studies have shown the proliferation of pornography has contributed to a host of problems – from human trafficking to the rise of sexual assault of women.

That’s why Citizens for Community Values drafted a resolution that was introduced at the Ohio Statehouse to declare pornography a public health crisis. House Resolution 180, sponsored by Rep. Jena Powell, highlights the connection of pornography to human trafficking, the objectification of women, and the harms of pornography to men, boys, and families.

Your voice is needed in support of this resolution! Click here if you’d like to sign up to testify in support of the resolution. CCV will send out more information in the fall when hearings get closer.

Legislative Update

  • Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Legislation (SB 11) –The misleadingly titled “Ohio Fairness Act” which would afford protective class status under Civil Rights Laws to persons identifying themselves by their sexual orientation or biological gender other than the one they were born. This bill has received three committee hearings in the Senate Judiciary committee, but thankfully does not have any other hearings currently scheduled. Click here to read more about its threats to religious freedoms, women and children.

  • State Budget (SB 166) – The state House and Senate are still in negotiations on the State budget. Currently in the Senate budget, there are significant expansions to the state’s voucher program, which provides dollars for children to attend private Christian schools, and a significant growth in the state’s support of pro-life pregnancy centers.

  • Student Religious Liberties Act (HB 164) – Sponsored by Rep. Tim Ginter, this bill ensures Christian students – and all students of faith – cannot be discriminated against in public schools for the free exercise of their faith. The bill was recently passed out of the House Education Committee, and will likely get a full vote in the House of Representatives in the fall.

Pray for our Leaders

  • Representative Emilia Strong Sykes is in her third term serving the 34th House District in Summit County. Representative Sykes is leader of the House minority caucus and is outspoken on issues of affecting women and girls.

  • Representative Kris Jordan is now in his first term serving the 67th House District in Delaware County. He is a former Ohio Senator and currently sits on the Financial Institutions, Public Utilities and Ways and Means committees.

  • Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost was elected to the position in November 2018. Currently he is representing the state of Ohio in a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against the Ohio Fetal Detection law banning abortions once a baby’s heartbeat is detected. He’s also considering anti-trust action against big tech companies

Don’t Forget!

Sign up for The Capitol Project

The Ohio Capitol Project brings God’s light to the Ohio Statehouse by connecting pastors to their lawmakers for prayer and relationship building. The Capitol Project is about breaking down party lines and divisions. That’s why pastors meet with elected officials from both parties, and why this isn’t a “lobbying” event.

We’re setting dates for the fall now! Sign up below!