Center for Christian Virtue

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WATCH: Press Conference on Abortion Pill Reversal Legislation

Press Conference on Ohio Legislation to Give Women More Choices
Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act ensures women are not denied life-saving information

COLUMBUS – Citizens for Community Values will join Ohio Right to Life, Heartbeat International and Students for Life at a press conference today to announce the Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act. Sponsored by Rep. Niraj Antani and Sen. Peggy Lehner, this legislation will ensure women are provided with medically-accurate information about Abortion Pill Reversal.

WHO:        Citizens for Community Values, Ohio Right to Life,
___________ Heartbeat International, Students for Life, Rep. Niraj Antani,
__________ _and Sen. Peggy Lehner

WHERE:    Statehouse West Plaza

WHEN:      Tuesday, May 14 at 10 a.m.

Missed the press conference? Watch the live video below!


For more information, contact Citizens for Community Values at, or 513.733.5775.

As Ohio’s Family Policy Council, Citizens for Community Values seeks the good of our neighbors throughout Ohio by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. We endeavor to create an Ohio where God’s blessings of life, family, and religious freedom are treasured, respected, and protected.