Center for Christian Virtue

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From the bus tour

Happy Election Day!If you haven’t heard yet… today is Election Day – GO VOTE!Citizens for Community Values and Family Research Council have been covering the state on our GO VOTE! Bus Tour in this big, beautiful 45-foot bus.So far we’ve been to ...

  • Toledo
  • Findlay
  • Back to Toledo
  • Lima
  • Dayton
  • Columbus
  • Batavia
  • Back to Columbus
  • And will end in West Chester at CCV’s Watch Party tonight!

We’ve been handing out Voter Guides and talking about the importance of voting NO on Issue 1. And the bus tour has gotten great media coverage! I especially want to thank Pastor Jeremy Rands, Senator Matt Huffman, Sheriff Phil Plummer, Linda Theis and Rep. Niraj Antani for their help coordinating bus stops throughout the state.Here are some of the pictures and stories from the tour so far:                                                                                                     Be on the lookout for The Bus today! And be sure to join us tonight at West Chester Nazarene for our Election Night Watch Party AND Ice Cream Social with Cincinnati Right to Life!  You can RSVP online here.