Center for Christian Virtue

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Freedom From Religion Foundation Needs a New Hobby

How does anyone take these guys seriously anymore?

 Somewhere in the heart of Wisconsin is an incredibly bored organization called the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).FFRF is committed to whitewashing faith from America – and rewriting American history along the way. With a winning record that would make the Cleveland Browns embarrassed, FFRF files lawsuits across the country, trying to prohibit public displays of faith.When I lived in Arizona, FFRF sued then-Governor Jan Brewer because she declared an “Arizona Day of Prayer.” FFRF claimed that this was unconstitutional, which is odd considering they opened with prayer to kick off the convention in which the Constitution was written.Of course they lost this case, but that hasn’t stopped them from trying to remove faith from public life.A few weeks ago, FFRF sent a letter to the town of Findlay, Ohio threatening to sue the city. Findlay’s grave offense? Having this mural on the third floor of a municipal building with a reference to a Bible verse: "Under his wings shall you find refuge" PSALMS 91According to Fox News:“The mural was painted in 2011 by a group of local artists to symbolize the protection of the community, and dovetailed with the theme of that year’s National Day of Prayer”“Cathy Schock [The mural’s artist] hoped the project would inspire the spirit of collaboration and team work – not division – between different communities.”O the horror. Thankfully, Findlay Mayor Lydia Mihalik stood up to the bullies at FFRF and told them the mural wouldn’t be coming down.Mayor Mihalik and the town of Findlay are well within their rights to keep the mural up – that’s what CCV Legal Counsel and Director of Policy Josh Brown told the mayor in a letter we sent last week. We made it clear that FFRF has little legal ground to stand on in this case.You can read more about this case and Josh’s letter from CBN.I’m not sure where FFRF’s bully tactics will work, but as long as CCV is around, they shouldn’t try this in Ohio. The Rundown is a weekly update from CCV President Aaron Baer.