Center for Christian Virtue

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ACTION ALERT: House Committee Considers Bill Targeting Bathrooms, Schools, and Businesses

The Ohio House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee will be hearing testimony on a bill on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. that would punish schools, ministries, businesses and families that don’t want to allow biological men in women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and domestic violence shelters.The largest and most powerful businesses in Ohio are backing this bill to bully churches, businesses, and families.Every day Ohioans of all religions do business, go to school, and live life with their LGBT neighbors. Ohio is a diverse state. We should be celebrating that, yet HB 160 creates division.HB 160 elevates “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to protected class status. While everyone opposes discrimination, HB 160 creates a host of problems. Among the issues, this bill would:

  • Require schools, restaurants, Christian ministries, and any public accommodation to allow biological men in women’s restrooms and locker rooms.
  • Require businesses participate in same-sex weddings, regardless of the business owner’s religious beliefs.
  • Require domestic violence shelters to allow biological men to bathe and bunk with women if the men claim they are women.
  • Require public schools allow biological boys in girls locker rooms, dressing rooms, and girls athletics.


Click here to email the committee!  Ask them to oppose HB 160.

Step 2: Please pray!

  • Pray for our LGBT neighbors and those supporting this bill. Ask the Lord to reveal His goodness to them.
  • Pray our leaders reject this harmful legislation.
  • Pray for courage for Speaker of the Ohio House Cliff Rosenberger, Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof, and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Step 3: Share this image and Action Alert on Facebook.


Note:  If the above link doesn’t work, please send the message to each of the committee members listed below.  Thank you.MessageDear Representative,Ohio is a tolerant and diverse state. HB 160 however, creates division.This legislation violates the privacy and safety rights of women and children, and unnecessarily eliminates religious freedoms.Please oppose HB 160 today.Thank youCommittee MembersRepresentative Louis W. Blessing III  - Rep29@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Bill Reineke - Rep88@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Kathleen Clyde - Rep75@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Keith Faber - Rep84@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Timothy E. Ginter - Rep05@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Dave Greenspan - Rep16@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Brigid Kelly - Rep31@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Bernadine Kennedy Kent  - Rep25@ohiohouse.govRepresentative P. Scott Lipps  - Rep62@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Dorothy Pelanda  - Rep86@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Bill Seitz  - Rep30@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Ryan Smith - Rep93@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Martin J. Sweeney - Rep14@ohiohouse.govRepresentative Cliff Rosenberger -