Center for Christian Virtue

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The Times: Truth and Transcendence

Published January 23, 2024

"Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do..."  1 Chronicles 12:32 (ESV)

Church Ambassador Network Executive Director Chris Lightfoot 

For many in our communities and even our pews today, the ultimate authority is the autonomous self. But as Trevin Wax reminds us in the concluding pages of The Thrill of Orthodoxy

"The church’s insistence on a fixed point reminds the world of a transcendent standard by which all earthly movements will be judged. Christians function as salt, slowing down societal decay… by standing firm they bring blessing to those around them whether the world receives their presence as a blessing or not."

Cultural Commentaries

  • In his January 9 episode of The Briefing, Al Mohler spent a fair bit of time focused on Ohio touching on both Governor DeWine’s veto of HB68 as well as a transgender candidate who was disqualified from running for election for not disclosing his birth name. That candidate was recently cleared to run.

  • Contend for the Faith  In April of 2023, SacraSage Press published Why the Church of the Nazarene Should Be Fully LGBTQ+ Affirming. Click to read a critical review of that publication in which Chair of Biblical Studies at Ohio Christian University Caleb T. Friedman provides a tool for local churches, pastors, leaders, and those confronting errant teaching.

  • The Narrative podcast boldly explores the root causes of today’s cultural and political controversies. Center for Christian Virtue's President Aaron Baer, Policy Director David Mahan, Communications Director Mike Andrews, and world-renowned experts dissect current issues and events from multiple angles and viewpoints, equipping you to be a critical thinker on some of the most vital topics for Christians in our state and nation today.

Center for Christian Virtue Policy Director David Mahan

The Church Ambassador Network is part of Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) and its affiliated ministries, which seek to impact public policy, education, and the Ohio marketplace with the truth of the Gospel.

Check out these updates from our ministry partners!


  • The Single-Sex Bathroom Bill (HB183) requires schools to designate separate bathrooms, locker rooms, and overnight accommodations for males and females in the school building, as well as any facility used for a school-sponsored event. It is expected to be voted out of committee soon.

Christian Business Partnership

  • The Partnership offers values-based health insurance that provides comprehensive coverage while excluding radical, elective procedures like abortion or so-called "sex reassignment" surgeries or medications.

Ohio Christian Education Network

  • If there was a simple, no-cost-to-you way to make Christian education financially accessible to Ohio students, would you contribute and encourage your congregation to do so as well? The OCEN Scholarship Granting Organization (OCEN SGO) makes this no-cost donation easy!

  • Donors to OCEN SGO quality for a state tax credit, up to $750 for individuals and $1,500 for couples. This is a dollar-for-dollar reduction on your state taxes, so your gift ultimately costs you nothing and the funds are used to give scholarships to worthy students to attend our member schools. Learn more and donate online. If Christians across the state took advantage of this program to place kids in schools where the Word of God is central, it could transform the next generation of students.

Pray for Our Leaders

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. – 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (ESV)

Church Ambassador Network Christian Engagement Ambassador Ruth Edmonds leads Prayer Initiatives including Prayer at the Statehouse and Converge.

As we pray for our leaders this month, we focus on those who led the efforts to pass HB68 in the Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate. Join us this month in honoring 1 Timothy 2:1-2 by praying for these elected officials:

Want to pray for your county's lawmakers? Find them here!

If you have prayer requests, please send them to Ruth at


Church Ambassador Network Pastor Ambassador Eric Tober

  • Shepherding your flock through a presidential election year can be a daunting prospect, and that will be especially true in 2024. However, it is also an incredible opportunity. This article from Lifeway Research seeks to help pastors navigate the complexities and challenges this year will hold for the greatest possible gospel impact.

  • Rosaria Butterfield Repents For Her Use Of Transgender Pronouns
    "[Laura’s] church and parents had refused to use her preferred pronouns throughout all the years she lived in the false identity of transgenderism. Why did she return to them? Their refusal to lie compelled her trust. Today, Laura is among the most beautiful, godly, and feminine women I know."

  • The Pursuit of Happiness Ken Myers writing for Ligonier juxtaposes the current culture’s pursuit of  "whatever makes you happy" with Thomas Jefferson’s original intent for "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Upcoming Events

Closing Thoughts

In his book, Strange New World, Carl Trueman walks through the philosophical developments of the past to explain how we find ourselves facing an unthinkable culture at present. In Chapter 3 he writes,

"While Marx is in many ways a very different philosopher from Nietzsche, the two men share a common rejection of the idea that human beings as human beings have a transcendent, stable, moral nature to which they need to conform in order to flourish. … For both, moral codes are thus manipulative and must be transgressed to find true freedom."

In response, I leave you with one of Ken Boa’s favorite poems on the transcendent, stable, moral nature to which we need to conform in order to flourish:

Pastor Testimony

The Church Ambassador Network strives to provide valuable resources to pastors and churches. If you would like to support our work, consider making a recurring monthly gift part of your ministry budget. Ken Harrell, a pastor in the Columbus suburb of Hilliard, has given a strong endorsement of our efforts to serve pastors and Christians throughout our state:

"If a law passed in Ohio that limited what pastors could do or required us to do something that violated our beliefs, where would we turn? Who would inform us about what we’re up against? Who would be our voice in the Statehouse speaking with legislators and offering testimony on our behalf?

It is an incredible blessing that we have Center for Christian Virtue in Ohio to advocate for us. Our work would be much harder without their efforts to enact public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. Ultimately, in this world today, it would be disastrous... I encourage you to join us in supporting this organization that protects pastors—both as individuals and as the leaders of our congregations, defends the rights of Christians to live out our beliefs, and preserves our ability to preach Truth."