• The #1 remedy for child poverty

    The strongest predictor of a child’s success? Being raised by a married mom and dad.

    It’s time to shift the conversation and address the real issue in Ohio: Children raised by single parents are more likely to be living below the poverty level than children living with their married moms and dads.

  • NEW REPORT: How the Collapse of Family is Stunting the Nation’s Growth

    A new report measures how the decline of marriage and the rise of homes without married fathers has led to dramatic increases in child poverty, violence in our communities, and crashing educational outcomes. The report also proposes practical and attainable solutions for lawmakers, churches, and marketplace leaders to help right the course.

    The 2025 Hope and a Future report from Center for Christian Virtue (CCV), in partnership with the Institute for Family Studies and Professor Brad Wilcox, reveals the disastrous effects the decline of marriage and the collapse of the family have had on Ohio and America. 

  • Why Family Collapse is a National Crisis – Don’t Miss Our 10 AM LIVESTREAM on Wed, Feb 19!

    The 2025 Hope and a Future report measures how the decline of marriage and the rise of homes without married fathers has led to dramatic increases in child poverty, violence in our communities, and crashing educational outcomes. The report also proposes practical and attainable solutions for lawmakers, churches, and marketplace leaders to help right the course.

    Learn more during this informative livestream with Brad Wilcox, Aaron Baer, David Mahan, and Peter Range!

  • Ohio Ranked 29th in New Family Structure Index

    The 2025 Hope and a Future report from Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) reveals the disastrous effects the decline of marriage and the collapse of the family have had on Ohio and America.

    The report includes the first edition of the Family Structure Index by CCV and the Institute for Family Studies, which ranks all 50 states according to the health of their family culture.

    The Index analyzes demographic and fertility data to investigate which states are home to the strongest, most stable, and most sustainable families–thereby increasing the prospects for happy and healthy children.

  • TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Ohio Representative to Ban Discriminatory DEI at Ohio’s Colleges and Universities

    As President Donald Trump takes significant action in Washington, D.C., to rid the federal government of discriminatory and deceitfully titled “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” policies, or DEI, leaders at the Ohio General Assembly have introduced legislation to ban DEI at Ohio’s colleges and universities. 

    Use CCV’s Action Center to send your State Representative a short note encouraging them to support SB1 to ban DEI at Ohio’s colleges and universities.

  • Lt. Gov. Jon Husted Selected for Vacant Ohio U.S. Senate Seat

    Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has appointed Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted to fill Vice President-Elect J.D. Vance’s vacant U.S. Senate seat. The father of three and husband of Tina Husted, Lt. Governor Husted has served as the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives and Secretary of State.

    Read the statement from Center for Christian Virtue President Aaron Baer.

  • BREAKING: Governor Signs Parents’ Bill of Rights, School Religious Released Time

    Governor Mike DeWine has signed the CCV-backed House Bill 8! The bill will now take effect as Ohio law in 90 days. 

    HB8 contains two measures to promote parental rights and the safety of children:

    1. The Parents' Bill of Rights protects the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding their child’s upbringing, care, and education, and

    2. HB8 also protects students' right to receive religious education during the school day through religious released time.

  • The Tom Minnery Fellowship for Cultural Engagement

    The Minnery Fellowship for Cultural Engagement is an ongoing Continuing Cultural Education program to help pastors and church leaders understand the times and know how to respond.

    The Minnery Fellowship is named for author, former Vice President of Focus on the Family, and former Chairman of the Board of Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) Tom Minnery. Throughout Tom’s career, he endeavored to encourage Christians to be salt and light in culture and “not be silent” on the most crucial issues facing our churches and families.

  • BREAKING NEWS: DeWine signs Bill to Ensure Single-Sex Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

    Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has signed Amended Senate Bill 104 (SB104) into law, also known as the "Bathroom Bill" or the "Protect All Students Act," which ensures students in K-12 schools and universities have single-sex bathrooms, locker rooms, and more.

  • Courage. Compassion. Truth.

    “A heavy hitter in Ohio's culture wars” (The Columbus Dispatch, 2021), Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) is Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization.


Seeking the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.

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Who is Center for Christian Virtue?

Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue (CCV) has earned a reputation for being fearless and strategic, advancing solutions for the biggest problems facing America.

From school choice to religious freedom to free speech and the dignity of life, CCV works on a broad spectrum of issues to ensure we pass on a freer, and more prosperous nation to the next generation.

Our Ministry Network

Why Family Collapse is a National Crisis

The 2025 Hope and a Future report from Center for Christian Virtue (CCV), in partnership with the Institute for Family Studies and Professor Brad Wilcox, reveals the disastrous effects the decline of marriage and the collapse of the family have had on Ohio and America. 

This new report measures how the decline of marriage and the rise of homes without married fathers has led to dramatic increases in child poverty, violence in our communities, and crashing educational outcomes. The report also proposes practical and attainable solutions for lawmakers, churches, and marketplace leaders to help right the course, and includes the Family Structure Index.

Isaiah 62:1

For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent